April 2021

PetVet Care Centers says this on their website, “We’re a network of 330 general, specialty, emergency and equine hospitals, each of which is dedicated to offering you and your pet the finest care in veterinary medicine today. ” PetVet Care Centers Website

Their website says, “Passionate Care for the Pets We Love.”

The majority of PetVet Care Centers perform declaws.

In fact, most of them also offer 4 paw declaws.

Please sign our petition to PetVet Care Centers. (No need to donate to change.org to sign it and if you don’t want the follow-up emails then click on unsubscribe.) PetVet Petition

Many PetVet Care Centers deceive the public about declawing and when asked if declawing is ok for a cat long term, they say yes. Some even recommend a two paw declaw and say that it’s the 4 paw declaw that causes behavioral issues.
Some say that their declaws are quick and easy.
Some say they do declaws all the time.

Petvet says this on their website, “Each PetVet hospital is an integral part of their local community, with a team of professionals dedicated to offering you and your pet the finest care in veterinary medicine today.”

PetVet Care Centers is owned by KKR.com.  

KKR uses the words integrity, values, responsibility, excellence, and accountability on their website. Yet they own a company that allows their animal hospitals to torture and harm innocent cats from this inhumane and cruel amputation procedure. (declawing.)  Please send a polite note to KKR and ask them if they will put the welfare of innocent cats over money and ask PetVet Care Centers to ban declawing. media@kkr.com and investor-relations@kkr.com

Please ask PetVet Care Centers if they consider declawing to be the finest care in veterinary medicine. Here’s their facebook page. PetVet Care Centers Facebook Page

Let us know if you get a reply. citythekitty@gmail.com

The Chief Medical Officer is Dr Larry Berkwitt and the practice where he words says that declawing is not humane and it’s not recommended.

In 2020, VCA, Banfield, and the American Association of Feline Practitioners (AAFP) banned declawing in their practices. In March 2021 Mission Veterinary Partners banned declawing in their practices. When they knew better, they did better. Here’s VCA’s and Banfield’s reasons why they banned declawing. VCA Banfield Banned Declawing

Here’s AAFP’s reason why they banned declawing in their CAT FRIENDLY Practices. AAFP Banned Declawing

We started looking into how some PetVet Care Centers address declawing.

Our researchers made a short phone call to some of them and asked how much they charge for a declaw, if they do them regularly, and if declawing is ok long term for a cat.

We stopped after 11 of them because it was clear that declawing is performed in most PetVet Care Centers. Only 3 of the 11 don’t perform this inhumane amputation procedure.

We have withheld the names of employees for fear that they might suffer a backlash for their honest answers.

 * PetVet Care Centers Chief Medical Officer, Dr Larry Berkwitt, works at Poster Veterinary Associates in Westport, CT which is also a PetVet Care Center practice.

They do not declaw cats and the employee said it’s not humane and they don’t recommend it.


Dix Animal Hospital in Lincoln Park, MI

Researcher asked for the cost of a declaw and the employee asked, “Were you looking to do a 2 paw or 4 paw?”

A 4 paw declaw/spay is $400.  Researcher asked if there are any problems with a declaw. Employee said yes, with a 4 paw declaw there could be behavioral issues. Employee said they recommend a two paw declaw.


All Creatures Veterinary Hospital, New Iberia, LA. 

Jan. 2023

They say this on their website, “We prioritize your pet’s long-term health by focusing on preventive services.”

In January 2023 they say on their website that declawing is a standard but serious procedure where a cat’s toe bones and claws are amputated and say they routinely perform declaws. PetVet Care Centers All Creatures Veterinary Hospitals declaw information

April 2021.

Researcher asked for the cost of a declaw and the employee asked,“Front two or all four?”

A spay/4 paw declaw is $334.50. Employee said that they have 5 doctors who do declaws regularly. Researcher asked if declawing is ok for a cat long term and they said yes and said, “in a couple weeks everybody is fine.”


Creature Comforts Veterinary Hospital, Ankeny, IA

A 2 paw declaw is $402-$566. They say that the doctors try not to do declaws and try to talk people out of them.

The information below is from Creature Comforts website and facebook page.


 * Green Trails Animal Clinic, Lisle, IL.

They said that they don’t declaw. They said declawing is bad for cats, it changes the way they walk and the declawed cats develop arthritis. They referred our researcher to the PawProject.org.


Angel Animal Hospital, Farmington Hill, MI.

Researcher asked for the cost of a declaw and the employee asked, “Would you like to declaw all four paws or just two?”

A 4 paw declaw/spay is $631.52. Researcher asked if declawing is ok for a cat long term and the employee said, “Absolutely.”

Employee said Dr Singh does the declaws and “he does them all the time.”


Michigan Avenue Animal Hospital, Ypsilanti, MI

Researcher asked for the cost of a declaw and the employee asked, “Are you doing two or 4 paw?”

Employee said that a spay/4 paw declaw is $500. They said that Dr Dhaliwal does declaws regularly, around 1 or 2 every couple weeks. Researcher asked if declawing is ok for a cat long term and the employee said yes and that they are quick and easy.

Monroe Veterinary Clinic, Monroe, MI

A two paw declaw is $92.75 and a 4 paw declaw is $151.25. Employee said that the heavier the cat, the harder it is on them. They said that they did their cat’s declaw when the cat was 3 months old. They said the longer you wait, the harder it is on the cat. When asked if they do declaws regularly, the employee said, “We do them all the time.”

Island Pet Hospital, Las Vegas, NV

Researcher asked for the cost of a declaw and the employee asked, “Are you talking about 2 or all 4?”

A 4 paw declaw/spay is $682 they said they have packages for a declaw and a spay which make it cheaper. They said that all their vets do declaws and they use a laser which is less painful.

* New Hope Animal Hospital,  New Hope, MN

Employee said they do not do declaws and that most states have outlawed it, it’s like cutting off the tips of fingers, it’s inhumane, and there are other alternatives.

Pekin Veterinary Clinic, Pekin, IL

The employee said that a declaw/spay is $463- $570. They said they use laser for the declaws. Researcher asked if a declaw is ok for a cat long term and the employee said yes, it should be.


Please join us and help us protect innocent cats from this cruelty and harm. www.citythekitty.org