It Still Haunts Me

He was an orange and white splotched kitty with a huge personality matched only by his massive purr. A love bug to everyone who came in and playful. He tolerated having ears and tail tugged by special needs children that came to visit and would purr and snuggle despite it all. He understood they just didn’t understand and that they just wanted love the same as he did. He was the heart of the shelter and the staff and we all had a special place for Magic.
A “Licensed Professional Veterinarian” Declawed Mishka on ALL 4 Paws AND Removed All His Teeth

Mishka was 2 yrs old, his owner had him , “declawed on all four paws and had all of Mishka’s teeth were removed because he was chewing on baseboards and things.”
Yep, a trained, licensed veterinarian, who had years of education in the veterinary medical field, made the decision to perform these “medical procedures” on this poor kitty.