Why Does AAHA.org Lie About Declawing and Why Do They Put Profits Over The Welfare of Cats And Allow Declawing In Their Animal Hospitals?

The American Animal Hospital Association (AAHA) updated their declawing position statement in June 2021.
They say they strongly oppose declawing, explaining that declawing is no longer a reasonable or supported procedure… But then they say if veterinarians are going to declaw, they should use pain meds before, during, and after.
Did AAHA Accredited Androscoggin Animal Hospital in Maine Stop Being A Cat Friendly Practice So They Could Keep Declawing Cats?

On July 1, 2021, The American Assoc. of Feline Practitioners (AAFP) stopped allowing declawing in all their Cat Friendly Practices.
Many Cat Friendly Practices are also AAHA Accredited Animal Hospitals and we are finding some who stopped being a CAT FRIENDLY Practice because they wanted to be able to keep declawing cats.
Did Androscoggin Animal Hospital stop being a Cat Friendly Practice in 2021 so they could keep declawing cats?