Will AAHA’s Chief Medical Officer, Dr Jessica Vogelsang, Be Able To Inspire AAHA to Ban Declawing in their hospitals?

In 2021 AAHA.org hired a new Chief Medical Officer, Dr Jessica Vogelsang.
AAHA says that they are strongly opposed to declawing, that veterinarians should tell their clients that it is a procedure that is no longer supported or reasonable yet they allow it in their AAHA Accredited Animal Hospitals. Many of them perform this inhumane amputation on a regular basis, they advertise declawing, put out declawing coupons, and lie about it and say that the cats are ok long term after they are declawed.
We are optimistic that Dr Vogelsang will be the progressive, ethical, and humane veterinary leader at AAHA who sees the value in doing the right thing, being on the right side of this issue and history, and will inspire AAHA to put the welfare of all animals first and ban declawing in their AAHA accredited animal hospitals.
Is the Angst of Declawing Contributing to Veterinarian Suicide? The Info In Our Story Says It Is.

We have data, peer reviewed studies, and notes from veterinarians to show you that declawing is contributing to mental and moral stress in the veterinary profession. If declawing is banned, it will improve the mental health and well-being in many veterinarians and veterinary professionals.
The AVMA cyberbullies a little orange cat who is trying to end animal cruelty (Declawing)

I am a medium sized orange tabby who’s had a rough couple of months.
I was canned from my job at Friskies and then I got really sick with some sort of dizzying vestibular problem.
Then my mom was picked on by the very big and powerful veterinary organization, the AVMA, who accused us of cyber bullying them in the America’s Favorite Veterinarian contest.
I’m just trying to keep kitty paws healthy and happy by ending declawing. Why do they call me such horrible names and want to shun me?
What has the world come to when a kitty can’t use his fame to protect other kitties?