Do No Harm Day and Rallies To Help End Declawing! May 4th, 2018

Please join City the Kitty in solidarity with The Animals’ Battalion and The Paw Project for our “Do No Harm” anti-declaw rally in Cypress, CA in front of the Southern California Veterinary Medical Association at 5576 Corporate Ave, Cypress, CA on May 4th, 2018.
ASPCA’s Declawing Position Is On The Side of Declawing Veterinarians

New Yorkers, today is the last day for you to RSVP to this important event that will help protect animals from harm and cruelty. But where is the support for our NY bill from ASPCA and a vow to help end declawing?????
Can you PLEASE respectfully, nicely, and kindly ask them why they won’t be supporting the bill to ban declawing at this event? [email protected]
Those who supported the NY bill to ban declawing and those who were silent

There’s a bill in NY to ban declawing that will be back on the table next month. We need all the support we can get to convince the legislators how important this bill is for the welfare of cats!
NYSVMS 2015 – “We Scored a Direct Hit”, “We Scored A Major Win For The Profession.”

They’ve even spent a ton of money hiring lobbyists to propagate untruths. They must be spending over $10,000/ month to protect their right to mutilate cat paws! Imagine if they spent that money on helping cats through spay/neuter programs or adoptions!