AAHA’s Declaw Communications Toolkit To Help Their Declawing Hospitals

Remember, declawing is a $900,000 – $1,200,000,000/year business. That’s a lot of clams.
So here’s the hypocrisy in a nutshell.
AAHA has strict guidelines for compliance.
AAHA has a strong anti-declaw position.
Get ready for the big BUT…
But, they openly tell their 3500 members who pay $1070 for membership, that they don’t have to follow the AAHA declaw position. (They aren’t however, ever lax on the dentals.)
The Organizations That Allow Declawing

Here are many examples of those in the veterinary profession and some outside of it, who could truly help to end the inhumane procedure of declawing, but aren’t.
Here’s the Proof That The ASPCA’s Declawing Position Is Helping Declawing Vets Make More Money From This Animal Cruelty

Do veterinarians lie about declawing because they know they shouldn’t be doing it?
Is Dr Wayne Anderson, AzVMA’s Advisory Council board member, ill-informed or just a plain liar?
Dr Wayne Anderson testified on March 23, 2022 against the Arizona anti-declawing bill. He owns AzPetVet which consists of 22 vet clinics in Arizona.
All but one of Dr Wayne Anderson’s 22 vet clinics declaw cats, according to employees who work there. Declawing is a big money making procedure in many AzPetVet Clinics.
The ASPCA Doesn’t Want Declawing Banned & Their Position Statement is Being Used to Stop Anti-declawing bills.

City the Kitty is calling on animal lovers across the world to investigate the ASPCA on why they do not want declawing banned and why they have a declawing position statement that is on the side of declawing veterinarians and not cats.
If the ASPCA has a declawing position statement that completely condemns this animal cruelty (declawing) and helps pass laws to ban it, then more cats would be protected from this inhumane, cruel, and very harmful amputation procedure.
The ASPCA Doesn’t Want Declawing Banned Even If It Is Bad for Cats, Veterinarians, Cat Owners, and Veterinary Professionals.

Story published November 2021 Please sign our petition to the ASPCA. Your voices matter!ASPCA Petition Here’s our story that shows how declawing causes pain and suffering in cats, their owners, and veterinarians. It shows how declawing causes moral stress in veterinarians and how it is a contributing factor in the issue of suicide in the […]
Is the Angst of Declawing Contributing to Veterinarian Suicide? The Info In Our Story Says It Is.

We have data, peer reviewed studies, and notes from veterinarians to show you that declawing is contributing to mental and moral stress in the veterinary profession. If declawing is banned, it will improve the mental health and well-being in many veterinarians and veterinary professionals.
Note From A Shelter Director In Michigan That Shows How Declawing Causes Many Cats To Lose Their Homes

Currently I have 19 adult cats, 31% of those cats are declawed (6) and all six of those cats are primarily unadoptable.
Four of them will not use the litter box at all, but are extremely sweet.
One is very reactive/defensive and unhandleable, and one is 15 years old but should be able to find a retirement home (hopefully).
Two of the cats have already had bone fragments and regrowth removed from their paws, the others we are still working on get in for exams/options.
The two that have had the surgery still aren’t using their boxes and we are trying prozac to help retrain their brains not to associate the litter box with pain.
Declawing: Who’s on the right side and the wrong side of history.

Here’s our list of organizations, companies, and people who are on the right side and wrong side of history in regards to declawing.
Another Perspective About the Facts About Declawing

“First, let us reflect on the fact that the US is one of the few remaining modern countries that still allows this practice. It has actually been outlawed in most other countries, because of the physical and psychological effects it has on the animal. In most European countries, and Australia, you would actually lose your license to practice vet medicine if you were to perform this surgery, where it is uniformly viewed as unethical and inhumane.
He drew up the solution and euthanized that sweet declawed kitten in a matter of minutes.

The vet never mentioned the real reason for the kitten’s behavior, which was the horrible pain in her toes from that declaw surgery. He drew up the euthanasia solution and euthanized that sweet declawed kitten in a matter of minutes.
I cried for that kitten for weeks afterwards. I felt the pain, fear, and suffering every kitten and cat endured because of those declaw surgeries for the whole of my career.