Here’s the Proof That The ASPCA’s Declawing Position Is Helping Declawing Vets Make More Money From This Animal Cruelty

Do veterinarians lie about declawing because they know they shouldn’t be doing it?
Is Dr Wayne Anderson, AzVMA’s Advisory Council board member, ill-informed or just a plain liar?
Dr Wayne Anderson testified on March 23, 2022 against the Arizona anti-declawing bill. He owns AzPetVet which consists of 22 vet clinics in Arizona.
All but one of Dr Wayne Anderson’s 22 vet clinics declaw cats, according to employees who work there. Declawing is a big money making procedure in many AzPetVet Clinics.
The Arizona Veterinary Medical Association does not want declawing banned. Why? The Answer Might Be In This Story

Dr Wayne Anderson, owner of AzPet Vet group, testified in opposition to the anti-declawing bill in Arizona. He said that declaws in his practices are rarely performed, maybe one or two a year. Our research shows that declawing is a routine procedure in many of his practices according to the employees that work there.