When you know better… you do better

Our chat was back in the spring some time. You were kind enough to educate me and forever change my views on declawing as i truly has no idea what the procedure really was. So…. I’m happy to introduce you to my 8 year old rescue I got this week named Bubbles ? … she was rescued by our local spca from a horrific hoarding situation and i fell in love with her the moment i met her ❤❤ she is the most loving and cuddly cat i’ve ever met!
Declawing her will NEVER be an option thanks to you and I found a great solution i think you will be proud of…. thanks again for helping me understand what declawing is and leave it in the past.
Sunday’s Supporters and SpokesCats- From a cat owner in Europe

I live in a country, where toe amputation aka “declawing” was never thinkable or a part of our culture. When I was confronted the first time with this procedure, I really got shocked. What? They do this, although they are donating thousands of dollars to save a burned kitten? How is that possible?