Mr Lee, a cat lover, asked Cornell why they won’t support the anti-declawing legislation in NY

I believe that you could be a leader here if you wanted to. One day, declawing will be illegal in NYS and you’ll probably share in the celebration saying that Cornell has always been against declawing.
But really, have you?
We Lost A Big Battle Today But We Must Never Give Up

The NYSVMS, Long Island Veterinary Medical Association, and other NY veterinary associations successfully stopped our bill. Some of the Senators had some “concerns” about our cat protection bill and obviously believed the NYSVMS’s disgusting propaganda about declawing.
Amputating A Cat’s Toes and Claws “Might Cause Some Degree of Discomfort” Says Cornell’s Bruce Kornreich

Story published June 2016 Bruce Kornreich is now the Director of Cornell’s Feline Health Center. 2020 Update. UPDATE 2017, Cornell Small Animal Hospital stopped declawing. I’m shocked and appalled at Bruce Kornreich, the Ass. Director of the Cornell Feline Health Center’s comment about declawing in this 2016 news story. Here’s an excerpt from a story […]