Are declawing veterinarians contributing to more COVID-19 deaths? Read this story.

There are around 26,000 veterinary practices in America.
Around 21,000 of these practices declaw cats.
Most of these declawing vet practices are still using much needed PPE (masks, gloves, and gowns) to declaw cats and perform elective procedures despite national efforts to conserve this protective medical gear and despite the calls from the AVMA, state veterinary associations, healthcare organizations, hospitals, and state officials, to cease all routine surgeries and services.
These declawing vets are putting profits first and also defying nationwide pleas for sheltering in place, by allowing their clients to come to their clinics for these elective, non-therapeutic procedures.
These declawing vets are using precious PPE to declaw cats and this cruelty towards cats could contribute to more COVID-19 deaths.