Why is Kansas State University so backwards compared to all the other veterinary schools in the world? KSU still performs the inhumane procedure of declawing in their “health center.”

Here’s our story about how all the veterinary colleges in America address declawing. Out of these 30 American veterinary schools, 10 of them don’t perform declawing at their small animal hospitals, according to employees at their hospitals.
VetCor’s Mission is “To enhance the health and well-being of pets” so why would they allow declawing?

VetCor says that this is their mission. “To enhance the health and well-being of pets and the people who care for them.” https://www.vetcor.com/about-us/our-story
One of the first Values that they list is, “Do the right thing.”
In January 2025 our researchers looked into the vet clinics associated with VetCor’s veterinary leaders. Out of 22 clinics, we found that 9 of them declaw cats.
Abilene, Texas Should Be Called Dis-Abilene At The Rate They Declaw Cats.

Out of 13 vet clinics in Abilene, we found only 3 who do not perform declawing. One declawing vet clinic said that they will only declaw cats on all four paws if it’s for a cat who is scratching a waterbed or for leather furniture. One declawing vet was asked if declawing is bad for a cat and he said, “”It’s not good or bad. It’s all about what you want for the cat. The cat’s not making the decision, you are.”
The Organizations That Allow Declawing

Here are many examples of those in the veterinary profession and some outside of it, who could truly help to end the inhumane procedure of declawing, but aren’t.
The Pennsylvania Veterinary Medical Association Is Trying To Keep Animal Cruelty (Declawing) Legal.

The Pennsylvania Veterinary Medical Association wrote in their Sept. 1, 2023 newsletter, “PVMA is involved in working behind the scenes to prevent a declaw ban from moving in the legislature. This is a tricky issue, but it would be bad precedent to have the state government decide what procedures we cannot perform on our clients animals.”
The Pennsylvania Veterinary Medical Association doesn’t want to regulate their veterinarians even when it comes to this animal cruelty.
Blocked For Trying to Protect Cats From Being Declawed

June 28, 2017 Over the last few years that we’ve been working on this cause to end declawing, we’ve been blocked by people and organizations for simply trying to help save kitties from having their toes and claws amputated. Here are the ones that blocked us on Twitter. Here are the reasons we […]
2023 Update of Our 2016 Survey That Found 72% of Vet Clinics in New Jersey Routinely Declaw Cats.

Marshfield Veterinarians Have Done The Right Thing And Stopped Declawing. Now the City Council Wants to Follow Their Lead.

Story published on August 14, 2023. Declawing is still a BIG business in Wisconsin in many veterinary clinics but not in Marshfield. The veterinarians in Marshfield did the right thing and stopped performing declawing. Unfortunately many vet clinics in the surrounding towns and in Wisconsin are still making easy and good money from this animal […]
The Majority of Cats in Michigan Don’t Stand a Chance. Declawing Must Be Banned.

Story published June 2023. Please sign our petition! We are almost at 20,000 signatures! Michigan anti-declawing petition In May of 2023, Michigan State Representative Jimmie Wilson Jr. introduced HB 4674 to ban declawing. As most of you know, declawing is a big money making procedure in Michigan. There are even animal rescues that declaw their […]
The Secretary of the Houston Humane Society is Still Performing 2 & 4 Paw Declaws at Her Houston Clinic

Dr Cynthia Rigoni is the Secretary of the Houston Humane Society.
Dr Cynthia Rigoni has been doing declaws for over 25 years. According to an employee at her clinic, she also has declawed her own dogs. More information below in our story.
In 1991, a cat owner came to Dr Cynthia Rigoni’s All Cats Veterinary Clinic in Houston, TX for just a neuter.
Dr Rigoni performed the neuter and then started to declaw the cat. On the third toe bone, she realized she was performing an unauthorized procedure but she kept declawing the cat and then notified the owners of the “error.”
According to the veterinary medical board paperwork below, she committed gross malpractice and her license was suspended for 2 years.