International Cat Care Licenses Their CAT FRIENDLY Program To An Organization That Allows Declawing

International Cat Care ( and its veterinary division licenses their Cat Friendly Program to the American Association of Feline Practitioners. (AAFP)
AAFP allows declawing in their CAT FRIENDLY PRACTICES. Here’s our 2018 survey of 156 CAT FRIENDLY Practices. 85% of them declaw cats.
Why would ICatCare license their Cat Friendly Program to an organization that allows this inhumane and mutilating amputation procedure in their CAT FRIENDLY Practices?
A Declawing Survey of 156 AAFP CAT FRIENDLY Practices

2018 City the Kitty’s American Association of Feline Practitioners (AAFP) CAT FRIENDLY Practice Declawing Study
Of the 156 Cat Friendly Practices in this study in Alabama, Ohio, Iowa, Nebraska, Illinois, New York, New Jersey, Michigan, Oklahoma, and Texas, 133 perform declaws and 23 don’t.
85% of the 156 Cat Friendly Practices in my study declaw cats.
AAFP, American Association of Furniture Protectors

If the AAFP truly cares about the welfare of cats, they can do what their European equivalents, International Society of Feline Medicine/, have done for years, and that is to only give their Cat Friendly accreditation to practices to vet practices that don’t declaw cats.