The ASPCA’s Declawing Position Is Helping Declawing Vets Make More Money From This Animal Cruelty

Do veterinarians lie about declawing because they know they shouldn’t be doing it?
Is Dr Wayne Anderson, AzVMA’s Advisory Council board member, ill-informed or just a plain liar?
Dr Wayne Anderson testified on March 23, 2022 against the Arizona anti-declawing bill. He owns AzPetVet which consists of 22 vet clinics in Arizona.
All but one of Dr Wayne Anderson’s 22 vet clinics declaw cats, according to employees who work there. Declawing is a big money making procedure in many AzPetVet Clinics.
ASPCA’s Declawing Position Is On The Side of Declawing Veterinarians

New Yorkers, today is the last day for you to RSVP to this important event that will help protect animals from harm and cruelty. But where is the support for our NY bill from ASPCA and a vow to help end declawing?????
Can you PLEASE respectfully, nicely, and kindly ask them why they won’t be supporting the bill to ban declawing at this event? [email protected]