Fact: 11 out of 14 vets in leadership in Michigan’s vet med association make big bucks declawing. Do cats stand a chance?

Here’s a summary of this survey.
Only three of these MichVMA veterinarians in our survey don’t perform declawing.
6 vet practices use the guillotine clipper method for declawing. Only two of the vet practice’s employees mentioned the humane options during the call.
Fewer than 4% of West Michigan vets don’t declaw and they are apparently afraid of being bullied for making the ethical decision.

Fewer than 4% of Western Michigan vets don’t declaw. We reached out to them to ask if they would write up a short paragraph as to why they don’t declaw cats but none of them replied.
Could it be that they are afraid of being bullied for making the ethical decision.