Did The Declawing Veterinarian on NVA’s Medical Advisory Board Make NVA’s Declawing Policy?

Did National Veterinary Associates (NVA) let the only declawing veterinarian on their Medical Advisory Board’s influence their declawing position that says their vets can declaw a cat if they deem it will benefit the cat?
HERE’S THE VERY CONCERNING AND DISTURBING PART. We did some more investigating and found that there are 8 veterinarians on NVA’s Medical Advisory Board. Link to their vets- NVA’s Medical Advisory Board veterinarians
We found that ONE of these NVA Medical Advisory Board veterinarians works at a practice that is still declawing cats and this Medical Advisory Board veterinarian personally regularly declaws cats, according to some employees who work there.
All of the other 7 veterinarians on NVA’s Medical Advisory Board DO NOT declaw cats and their practices say that it is inhumane and bad for cats, according to employees who work at these practices.
How 5 pro-declawing veterinarians caused Delaware to maintain animal cruelty as the status quo.

Five Delaware veterinarians killed a 2022 Delaware anti-cruelty bill, which was written to protect cats by ending declawing, an inhumane and unnecessary amputation of cats’ toe bones.
Dr Michelle Crosier, owner of Companion Animal Veterinary Associates in Middletown, DE. She is a Fear Free Certified veterinarian.
Dr Erin Giebel Whaley, Dr Andrea Richter, and Dr Robert Pedigo, all associated with Savannah Animal Hospital. Lewes, DE which is an AAHA hospital that declaws cats. Dr Whaley is a co-owner of the hospital and Dr Pedigo and Dr Richter retired from Savannah Animal Hospital in November of 2021.
Dr Jan Sosnowski, NVA practice, Governor’s Avenue Animal Hospital, Dover, DE that declaws cats. According to 2 employees at this practice, Dr Sosnowski declaws cats. She is a Fear Free Certified veterinarian and Fear Free does not allow their vets or practices to declaw cats.
Veterinary Group Companies & Organizations Who Banned Declawing And Those Who Allow Declawing

Here are the veterinary organizations that did the right thing and banned declawing.
National Veterinary Associates (NVA) Lied About Declawing. Can You Really Trust This Veterinary Company?

Story published in April 2021 UPDATED IN September 2024. National Veterinary Associates (NVA) is the largest private owner of freestanding veterinary hospitals in the United States. NVA is owned by JAB Holdings, a company that is owned by the Reimann family. NVA has over 1100 vet practices and pet resorts in America. NVA says this […]
Mission Veterinary Partners (MVP) Bans Declawing In All their Practices

This is how ethical and humane veterinary leaders do the right thing when they see an injustice.
When they know better they do better.
Mission Veterinary Partners took immediate action and put an end to this inhumane, cruel, and unnecessary amputation procedure (declawing) in their practices.
The Veterinary Organizations/Companies Who Did The Right Thing and Banned Declawing

Here are the veterinary organizations that recently did the humane and right thing and stopped allowing declawing in their accredited veterinary practices.