Why is Kansas State University so backwards compared to all the other veterinary schools in the world? KSU still performs the inhumane procedure of declawing in their “health center.”

Here’s our story about how all the veterinary colleges in America address declawing. Out of these 30 American veterinary schools, 10 of them don’t perform declawing at their small animal hospitals, according to employees at their hospitals.
Declawing: Who’s on the right side and the wrong side of history.

Here’s our list of organizations, companies, and people who are on the right side and wrong side of history in regards to declawing.
Beware, the Banality of Evil

Beware, the banality of evil.
Some old time vets will hang on to the past, using antiquated techniques and medications, because that’s what “they were taught.” They don’t question what is “normal.” Other vets are more innovative and want veterinary medicine to be as progressive as human medicine. State of the art medicine and diagnostics can really help save lives. These vets are willing to learn new, life-saving techniques and medications and therefore eschew the old, the less effective or inhumane.
Purdue’s AAHA Accredited Animal Hospital Profits from Declawing Cats

Purdue Veterinary Wellness Clinic says they do “pain free declaws” with their CO2 laser. How can burning off a cat’s toe bones and claws with a super heated laser be pain free? How is declawing “feline friendly” handling?