The Organizations That Allow Declawing

Here are many examples of those in the veterinary profession and some outside of it, who could truly help to end the inhumane procedure of declawing, but aren’t.
Property Management Companies Who Took The Declaw Requirement Out Of Their Pet Policies

I did receive your email and discussed it internally with the regional managers yesterday evening before we left for the day. We have come to the agreement that we are going to remove the declawing policy in our current Resident Policies. However, due to hardwood floors and trim, we will be increasing our Pet Deposit. I appreciate you reaching out to us and we are more than happy to accommodate our furry friends the way they are! We plan on having another internal meeting within the next week (most likely after Labor Day weekend) and will re-write the policies to become truly pet friendly across all 6,000 units across Indiana & Ohio.