Blocked For Trying to Protect Cats From Being Declawed

June 28, 2017 Over the last few years that we’ve been working on this cause to end declawing, we’ve been blocked by people and organizations for simply trying to help save kitties from having their toes and claws amputated. Here are the ones that blocked us on Twitter. Here are the reasons we […]
The Secretary of the Houston Humane Society is Still Performing 2 & 4 Paw Declaws at Her Houston Clinic

Dr Cynthia Rigoni is the Secretary of the Houston Humane Society.
Dr Cynthia Rigoni has been doing declaws for over 25 years. According to an employee at her clinic, she also has declawed her own dogs. More information below in our story.
In 1991, a cat owner came to Dr Cynthia Rigoni’s All Cats Veterinary Clinic in Houston, TX for just a neuter.
Dr Rigoni performed the neuter and then started to declaw the cat. On the third toe bone, she realized she was performing an unauthorized procedure but she kept declawing the cat and then notified the owners of the “error.”
According to the veterinary medical board paperwork below, she committed gross malpractice and her license was suspended for 2 years.
Is Dr Gary Norsworthy A Feline Expert or a Bottom Line Expert?

Dr Gary Norsworthy, A Feline Expert or a Bottom Line Expert?
In the midst of a crisis where everyone is pulling together to save each other, many declawing veterinarians remain selfish.

In the midst of a crisis where everyone is pulling together to save each other, many declawing veterinarians remain selfish.. Despite worldwide efforts to conserve protective medical gear like surgical masks, gowns, and gloves, some declawing vets are still offering non-therapeutic surgeries in order to maintain their profits.
This selfish behavior risks infection with Covid19 in their staff, clients, and worst of all, hospital workers who are in desperate need of these limited resources.
How You Tried To Educate Houston Humane Society’s Executive Director About Declawing Facts

PLEASE TAKE 20 SECONDS AND SIGN MY PETITION TO HOUSTON HUMANE SOCIETY. If you don’t want the follow-up emails then simply click on unsubscribe and you don’t have to donate to sign the petition. Your voice matters! Houston Humane Society petition November 2018 Sherry Ferguson is the Executive Director of the Houston Humane Society. HHS […]
Pro-Declaw Veterinarian’s Excuses For Mutilating Cats

November 12, 2018 Quote from a declawing veterinarian who is interviewed in a story in the Victoria Advocate newspaper in Texas. “”Declawing is not the same as ear-cropping, which is done for cosmetic purposes said Dr. Shana Bohac of Lakeway Veterinary Clinic in Edna. “That to me is worse than declawing a cat. There are […]
The Austin Anti-Declawing Bill. The good, the bad, and the ugly.

Dr Gina Vance, President of the Capital Area Veterinary Medical Association, went on to say, “The decision to perform any veterinary treatment or therapy should be made by the pet owner and the veterinarian on a case-by-case basis within the context of a veterinary doctor client patient relationship.”
A Councilman asked Dr Vance, “Is elective declawing for non-medical reasons a treatment or therapy?”
Dr Gina Vance replied, “It can be considered a behavioral treatment.”
Dr Gina Vance also stated, “We try everything we can to talk people out of it.”
Declawing Raccoons: The Truth Unmasked

These are photos of a declawed raccoon that were posted on Instagram on July 26, 2018. The location was tagged Safari Animal Care Center in League, Texas. The purpose of this story is to educate the public about why they shouldn’t own a raccoon and also why they shouldn’t declaw them.
A Declawing Survey of 156 AAFP CAT FRIENDLY Practices

2018 City the Kitty’s American Association of Feline Practitioners (AAFP) CAT FRIENDLY Practice Declawing Study
Of the 156 Cat Friendly Practices in this study in Alabama, Ohio, Iowa, Nebraska, Illinois, New York, New Jersey, Michigan, Oklahoma, and Texas, 133 perform declaws and 23 don’t.
85% of the 156 Cat Friendly Practices in my study declaw cats.
Will The Animal Planet’s “The Vet Life” Vets Educate Instead of Amputate?

I’m very surprised, disappointed, and saddened to hear that declawing is a routine procedure that is performed by the 3 veterinarians, on the popular Animal Planet TV show, The Vet Life. Their employees tell cat owners that there are no negative consequences to declawing a cat and they don’t educate cat owners about how harmful […]