Banfield & VCA Animal Hospitals Stopped Declawing in Early 2020

We believe that every pet owner has the responsibility for providing a safe and supportive home for their animal that enables appropriate expression of natural behaviors and fully integrates them into the home and family. Every medical procedure supported by our veterinary practices has been put in place with the health and wellbeing of pets in mind and, based on this, we do not support the elective declawing of any animal in our veterinary practices.
Declawing includes surgical onychectomy, digital flexor tendonectomy, and generalized phalangectomy for non-medical reasons. Feline scratching and nail sharpening are normal behaviors and the removal of nails has been shown to lead to chronic pain and, in some cases, to cause long-term behavioral issues. We believe that education of pet owners about appropriate behavioral and environmental modifications are humane alternatives to these elective procedures.
Why are VCA Animal Hospitals in America Still Declawing Cats?

We reached out to VCA on their Instagram account on April 22, 2019 and asked them when are they going to stop declawing. A VCA representative told us that VCA stopped declawing a couple years ago. Surely VCA wouldn’t lie to us would they?
We Must Educate The Old School Veterinarians About Declawing

June 2017 I’ve come to the conclusion that we are the ones who need to educate the old school vets about the truth and facts about declawing. The younger vets that are deceiving cat owners about the facts about declawing, most likely know the truth but don’t want to lose the income from amputating cat […]