4 Myths to Debunk Before You Consider Declawing Your Cat

As one of the many veterinarians who refuses to perform declawing surgery, I feel that I’ve heard all the excuses under the sun as to why cats should be declawed. Or, at least, what people thought they knew about declawing. Many people are shocked to learn how awful declawing actually is, and wonder why it was the norm for so long.

West Virginia, Please Ban Declawing And Save Cats From This Cruelty

Quote from West Virginia pro-declaw veterinarians, “You are right when you state there are those who would like to make declawing illegal. Many of those opinions have been formed by misinformation and what I call “internet-hype.” When performed properly, the declaw procedure results in no harmful side effects. In our experience, the cats have no higher incidence of any behavioral problems, which is in direct contrast to some of the fabrications that are now circulating. “

Buddy The Declawed Cat

The cat’s paws were scarred deeply in the back, with declawed stumps in the front. Affectionately known as “Buddy”, the cat pees outside the litter box, and is a powerful biter. It’s obvious why his owners threw him out of the house. How he survived outdoors was truly a miracle.

Alternative Declawing Facts By Two Prominent New Jersey Vets

Dr Jose Pla is the vet who does their declaws. They advertise their laser declaws on their facebook pages, their employees say that Dr Pla performs declaws, “all the time”, ” Dr Beeber says that a cat will be ok from being declawed, they post photos of declawed cats and promote their laser declaw, and they charge $875 for their laser declaws and will even do them on older cats.

A True Advocate For All Animals

I have been a veterinarian for 20 years, 16 of which have been in 100% feline practice, and I have never had anyone threaten to euthanize or relinquish their cat because of clawing behavior. The behavior problems that I have seen result in euthanasia or abandonment are inappropriate elimination and biting, which I see far more often in declawed than clawed cats.
I have always been adamantly opposed to declawing and have found that if I simply tell people that it requires amputating the last bone on every toe, the vast majority of clients do not want to do it. Most people really do love their cats, and they don’t want to hurt them, but they haven’t been informed about the procedure.
I always counsel people about having appropriate scratching posts, trimming nails, and using Soft Paws. It does require some effort, but so do most things worth having in life.

New Jersey Veterinarian Says Declawing Is Malpractice

The veterinary professional organizations have not recognized onychectomy for what it really is: malpractice.

For a veterinarian to harm an animal and with no physical benefit to that animal is
tantamount to malpractice. Despite cautions to their members for decades, professional
veterinary associations have not effectively reined in their veterinarians from performing routine