How Dr Andy Roark Played The Victim Instead of Helping The Welfare of Cats

In one sentence he said he was, “impressed by my passion and dedication”, and that I’m someone who is working hard to help pets and do good in the world. He said that he hopes I see similar characteristics in him.
And in the next sentence he said he didn’t feel inspired but he felt attacked.
Hmmmm. How did I attack him?
I simply asked some questions in a private email as to why so many employees at his practice that is a AAHA, AAFP Cat Friendly hospital were saying that they are a high volume declawing practice and that cat owners could book a declaw surgery with him personally.
The AVMA cyberbullies a little orange cat who is trying to end animal cruelty (Declawing)

I am a medium sized orange tabby who’s had a rough couple of months.
I was canned from my job at Friskies and then I got really sick with some sort of dizzying vestibular problem.
Then my mom was picked on by the very big and powerful veterinary organization, the AVMA, who accused us of cyber bullying them in the America’s Favorite Veterinarian contest.
I’m just trying to keep kitty paws healthy and happy by ending declawing. Why do they call me such horrible names and want to shun me?
What has the world come to when a kitty can’t use his fame to protect other kitties?