Marshfield Veterinarians Have Done The Right Thing And Stopped Declawing. Now the City Council Wants to Follow Their Lead.

Story published on August 14, 2023. Declawing is still a BIG business in Wisconsin in many veterinary clinics but not in Marshfield. The veterinarians in Marshfield did the right thing and stopped performing declawing. Unfortunately many vet clinics in the surrounding towns and in Wisconsin are still making easy and good money from this animal […]
URGENT! Request to take down a photo of a declawed kitty

This is serious my friends. I was threatened with “legal ramifications” and “harassment” if I don’t cooperate and this person said I have no idea who I started a fight with. YIKES! This has the hair on my body standing on end and scared me so much that I called 1-800- LawyerUp to get one on standby.
We Don’t Need Your Educational Info, We Get Ours From The AVMA

I’m doing this post to make a few points. The big pro-declaw Veterinary Associations like the NYSVMS, AVMA, and all the other state vet associations say that the decision about declawing should be in the hands of the veterinary profession and not the government or social media.
Well my friends. The hard, cold facts are that most of the pro-declaw veterinarians can’t be trusted that they are counseling clients about the humane alternatives, doing it as a very last resort, giving their clients accurate declawing information, and following the guidelines that these veterinary authorities have put out.