A Long Disheartening Rant -The Day That I Lost Hope

My mom posted the comment below and other respectful and educational comments to try to open up their hearts and minds and also to give them some educational material links about declawing and also the youtube video of the Paw Project documentary.

What followed was a firestorm of angry and very disheartening comments from this woman and her friends. It was truly sad and made me lose hope that these people will ever want to really understand or change their unhealthy view on declawing.

“We Do Work Hard To Give Cat Owners Advice And Choices.” Really?

The practice where the President of the Long Island Veterinary Medical Association works charges $1.50 per toe to apply Soft Paws to your cat’s nails and this President charges $38 per toe for her to amputate your cat’s toes. The practice that the President of the New York State Veterinary Medical Society owns, charges $4 per toe to apply Soft Paws to your cat’s nails and this President charges $66 per toe for her to amputate your cat’s toes. Both practices require you to bring in your own Soft Paws for the application service.

A Review of Medically Unnecessary Surgeries in Dogs and Cats

A big study was quietly published in JAVMA in January 2016 and it involves declawing, debarking, and ear cropping. You have to be a member to read it, so most of the general public never saw this.

Most vets find ear cropping and debarking to be unethical and wrong. Yet many of these same vets are declawing cats.
Don’t you think it’s time for a wake up call for these vets to start putting the welfare of cats on the same level as dogs?

URGENT! Request to take down a photo of a declawed kitty

This is serious my friends. I was threatened with “legal ramifications” and “harassment” if I don’t cooperate and this person said I have no idea who I started a fight with. YIKES! This has the hair on my body standing on end and scared me so much that I called 1-800- LawyerUp to get one on standby.

The NYSVMS Aggressively Defended Their Right To Torture & Maim Animals

The NYSVMS sent this smug email (below) to their 5000 veterinary members yesterday about their victory. They are so proud of this accomplishment of stopping our important declawing bill AND the bill that would have banned the cruel and inhumane mutilating procedure that silences a dog’s voice. As with declawing, this procedure provides no medical benefit to dogs and are done solely for the convenience of the owners.

There are always safe, commonsense, and humane alternatives for the natural scratching behavior in cats and the barking in dogs.

The NYSVMS and other veterinary associations take this route that they don’t want anyone to take away their “medical procedures” because they are “licensed professional veterinarians” and they know the best “medical treatment decisions that are in the best interests of their patients.”

We Lost A Big Battle Today But We Must Never Give Up

The NYSVMS, Long Island Veterinary Medical Association, and other NY veterinary associations successfully stopped our bill. Some of the Senators had some “concerns” about our cat protection bill and obviously believed the NYSVMS’s disgusting propaganda about declawing.

Do They Really Care About Keeping a Cat Out of a Shelter?

They are telling the NY legislators that they really, really care about cats and don’t want them to end up in shelters.

I thought the only way to really verify that they truly care about cats staying out of shelters is to see if they would personally help when you say that you are going to take your cat to a shelter for another behavioral issue that doesn’t involve declawing or making good money on toe amputations

We Don’t Need Your Educational Info, We Get Ours From The AVMA

I’m doing this post to make a few points. The big pro-declaw Veterinary Associations like the NYSVMS, AVMA, and all the other state vet associations say that the decision about declawing should be in the hands of the veterinary profession and not the government or social media.

Well my friends. The hard, cold facts are that most of the pro-declaw veterinarians can’t be trusted that they are counseling clients about the humane alternatives, doing it as a very last resort, giving their clients accurate declawing information, and following the guidelines that these veterinary authorities have put out.

Motivated by Compassion or Greed?

There are many humane and ethical veterinarians in North America who do not declaw cats. They know that there are always humane alternatives to scratching issues and that declawing never needs to be an option. They know that the vast majority of declawed cats in shelters are surrendered because of negative problems relating to declaws. They know that declawing has no benefit to a cat and that the pain from declawing can last weeks, months, and a lifetime for these cats.
They are on the right side of cat history and are doing the right thing by helping to end declawing in North America.