We Don’t Need Your Educational Info, We Get Ours From The AVMA

I’m doing this post to make a few points. The big pro-declaw Veterinary Associations like the NYSVMS, AVMA, and all the other state vet associations say that the decision about declawing should be in the hands of the veterinary profession and not the government or social media.
Well my friends. The hard, cold facts are that most of the pro-declaw veterinarians can’t be trusted that they are counseling clients about the humane alternatives, doing it as a very last resort, giving their clients accurate declawing information, and following the guidelines that these veterinary authorities have put out.

In a nutshell, the NYSVMS says that vets don’t make much money declawing kittens and cats , they always educate their clients on alternatives and tell them it is serious amputations and that it isn’t good for a cat’s health and well being , if cat owners can’t declaw their cats then 50% of them wouldn’t get a cat and then those cats will be in shelters and euthanized , the reason the cats in shelters significantly decreased in the 8 cities in California that banned declawing had nothing to do with the ban, human doctors know what they are doing when they recommend declawing for humans with health problems, declawed cats never have pain because they give them great pain meds, declawed cats don’t have litter box avoidance or biting issues from the declaws, owners who had their cats declawed say that amputating their cat’s toes and claws met or exceeded their expectations, improved their relationship with their cats and their cats had a high quality of life with no pain or negative consequences, the majority of veterinarians never experience a cat losing their toes and paws or complications as a result of a declaw.
Motivated by Compassion or Greed?

There are many humane and ethical veterinarians in North America who do not declaw cats. They know that there are always humane alternatives to scratching issues and that declawing never needs to be an option. They know that the vast majority of declawed cats in shelters are surrendered because of negative problems relating to declaws. They know that declawing has no benefit to a cat and that the pain from declawing can last weeks, months, and a lifetime for these cats.
They are on the right side of cat history and are doing the right thing by helping to end declawing in North America.
Unethical Vets Hide Their Shame By Asking Other Vets to Be Unethical

You have had over 65 yrs to prove yourselves! “Government” must finally step in and protect kitties from the pro-declaw vets! Thankfully millions on “social media” are trying to protect all the voiceless kitties so they aren’t mutilated by your hands. Hands that were raised and gave an oath that you would RELIEVE suffering in animals, not create it!
You haven’t listened to a single guideline made by veterinary authorities and you declaw as a first resort!
You are CAUSING the legislature to have to dictate your actions, you ignorant butthead.
Thank You So Much For Supporting My Kickstarter Book!

To all of you wonderful friends who supported my kickstarter book project. Just a few hours left for it! I’d say it was a success thanks to all of you!
Many of you have been here from Day 1 when I was just a little kitten starting my new life in the world in my new home, fresh off the streets.
CAT LOVERS! URGENT CALL TO ACTION!!! Support the Cat Protection Bill in NY

Today the NYSVMS President Dr Susan Wylegala sent out a Call to Action to all of her 5000 NY state veterinarians and told them that an amendment was quietly made to the declaw legislation late last night by our friends and allies , Senator Griffo and Assemblywoman Rosenthal.
This President told her “doctors” today that it is time for the NYSVMS members to come together and OPPOSE our Cat Protection Bill!!!
Chuckie – Deceived By A Veterinarian and Declawed By A Laser

I unfortunately had my kittie Chuckie declawed when he was a kitten. That was seven years ago. We took him to the vet to get his shots and the vet told me there was a new laser surgery that didn’t hurt the kitties at all.
Since I knew he was not going to be outside ever, I thought that what the vet said was true and let him do it. That was before I started reading about how horrible declawing was and I’ve felt so guilty about doing that to Chuckie ever since.
2016-2017 NYSVMS Officers- Do they practice what they preach?

I thought that the veterinarians who would most likely be practicing what they preach in regards to declawing, would be the Presidents and board members at the New York State Veterinary Medical Society. After all, they want all the legislators to believe and trust them to believe that declawing must remain a procedure on their lists of services at their practices.
Amputating A Cat’s Toes and Claws “Might Cause Some Degree of Discomfort” Says Cornell’s Bruce Kornreich

Story published June 2016 Bruce Kornreich is now the Director of Cornell’s Feline Health Center. 2020 Update. UPDATE 2017, Cornell Small Animal Hospital stopped declawing. I’m shocked and appalled at Bruce Kornreich, the Ass. Director of the Cornell Feline Health Center’s comment about declawing in this 2016 news story. Here’s an excerpt from a story […]
I’m Being Cyber-Bullied and I’m Not Saying This For Attention

There’s a crime being committed against cats in the American veterinary profession and everyone in the cat world is talking about. Well almost everyone.
It’s called declawing and it MUST stop. Soft paws and scratchers are healthy and humane alternatives.
Amputating cat’s toes and claws is torture and inhumane.