

Hi City the Kitty,

I unfortunately had my kittie Chuckie declawed when he was a kitten.  That was seven years ago. We took him to the vet to get his shots and the vet told me there was a new laser surgery that didn’t hurt the kitties at all.

Since I knew he was not going to be outside ever, I thought that what the vet said was true and let him do it.  That was before I started reading about how horrible declawing was and I’ve felt so guilty about doing that to Chuckie ever since.

Luckily, he hasn’t had any problems walking or any of the other complications I’ve read about, but I feel like I maimed him and I am often telling him how sorry I am for believing that the laser treatment was a humane, painless way to declaw.

I have two other kitties, Tony and Cefferino, who aren’t declawed and I will never put a cat through that again.  I feel bad when I see comments from people saying how barbaric a person is for doing it and that they don’t deserve to have a cat.

Hopefully they will see through your work that some of us were fooled into thinking it was ok and feel horrible about it now.

Thanks for the good work!

from Melody, Chuckie, Tony and Cefferino


Please send me your stories about how you were deceived by your pro-declaw veterinarian. Your story will help spread awareness on how declawing is never good for a cat and is always harmful to their health and well being. Your story will help save other cats from going through this inhumane and cruel procedure.

Lately many veterinarians are touting their lasers as being more humane and quicker healing, no bleeding, and less pain but they are just saying this because they want to pay off the $35,000 bill for their lasers. There is less blood that they have to clean up when they burn off the toes of the cats with their laser. But there are no studies or proof that it is less painful or quicker healing. In fact there are studies that show complications from laser declaw are higher in laser declaw in the two days after the amputation surgery.

Here are some facts from a veterinarian’s website about laser declaw and how the things they say about it are false.  [button href=”” color=”red” newwindow=”yes”] Laser Declaw [/button]