August 2020
Here’s our list of organizations, companies, and people who did their part to take a stand against this barbaric amputation procedure and the organizations and people who allow declawing and who won’t take a stand against it to help protect innocent cats from this animal cruelty.
All the veterinarians who are still declawing are are putting money and their egos over the welfare of innocent cats. They sold their souls to this inhumane, mutilating, and unnecessary amputation procedure and don’t care about their veterinary oath or honoring the mission of their noble profession.
AAHA– American Animal Hospital Association allows declawing in their standard of excellence accredited hospitals.
UPDATE Dec. 2020. sicced their lawyers on us and forced us to take down lots of their declawing info from our stories otherwise our website would be taken down. Press release about how AAHA sicced their lawyers on us
These three cats were declawed in an AAHA Animal hospital. All three suffered horrific complications and had to have their paws amputated. Their lives are ruined. The vets at the AAHA hospital talked the owners out of the humane options. Petition to AAHA- Petition to AAHA
Animal Humane Society – They have a declawing position statement that is for declawing vets and is not on the side of cats. We wrote them about this and sent them all the new information from many big organizations like VCA, Banfield, AAFP, and AAHA that says that Animal Humane Society
We reached out to Animal Humane Society to educate them about declawing and asked them to please do the right thing. They replied back to us with this email.
“Thank you for contacting Animal Humane Society about our position statement on declawing cats.
We share your passion for protecting animals from harm. Animal Humane Society strongly opposes any unnecessary surgical procedures performed for purely cosmetic or convenience reasons, that provide no health benefit or subject the animal to unnecessary pain or health risks. That includes declawing cats.
Animal Humane Society is a local nonprofit organization that provides adoption and other services to support people and pets in Minnesota. Although we’re not a national advocacy organization, we have adopted position statements that help the community understand the principles that guide our work.
Over the years, as the veterinary community has learned more about how declawing impacts the health and welfare of cats, we’ve taken a stronger position in firm opposition to the practice – and that opposition is reflected in our daily work.
As an animal shelter, we take in, care for, and find loving homes for more than 8,000 homeless cats and kittens every year. We do not declaw cats in our shelters or clinics, and we work to educate adopters and pet parents about the pain and other negative effects that declawing can cause. We also provide adopters and pet parents in our community with alternative resources to manage scratching in the safest and least destructive way possible.
That said, our current position statement acknowledges that in some rare cases – when all else fails and destructive behavior cannot be managed – some pet parents turn to declawing as a last resort. If pet parents reach this point, we want them to understand the potential negative consequences of declawing and make an informed decision in consultation with their veterinarian before pursuing the surgery. If there are truly no other options, we believe that declawing – as a last resort – is preferable to abandonment, euthanasia, or surrender. We work hard to ensure that pet parents in our community are never faced with that decision.
Although our position may not be as absolute as yours, we are aligned in our opposition to declawing. We appreciate your work on behalf of cats and will consider the information you’ve shared with us – along with our firsthand experience and the expertise of other trusted animal experts – as we periodically evaluate and update our position statements.
Thank you,
Paul Sorenson
Director of Marketing and Communications”
ASPCA- The ASPCA won’t completely condemn declawing and keeps changing their declawing position with weak excuses. ASPCA’s Declawing Position Petition to the ASPCA
AVMA- The American Veterinary Medical Association won’t completely condemn declawing. They should change their name to the American Veterinary Money Association. The AVMA & Declawing Petition to the AVMA
JAB Holding Company owns NVA and Compassion First.
They allow declawing in their vet hospitals. Compassion-First is headquartered in Tinton Falls, NJ and owns 43 specialty and emergency vet hospitals in 12 states. Here’s an example from a Compassion First hospital, Red Bank Veterinary Hospitals in NJ, where they advertise their laser declawing on their website. —
CORNELL- Cornell was awarded Rhoda Hogan’s $125,000 bequest in 2008 and lied about how they used $100k of it. Mrs Hogan wanted her money to be used to help end declawing. Cornell still hasn’t used Mrs Hogan’s $25,000.Petition to Cornell
Dr Pol – Pol Veterinary Services declaws cats. We wanted to see if Dr Pol and his 4 other vets are still declawing cats in 2020. Our researchers called for a price for a spay/declaw in July 2020. The employee asked, “just the front?” A spay/4 paw declaw is around $300 and a spay/2 paw declaw is $285 the employee said. They said that all 5 of their vets do the declaws, including Dr Pol. The researcher asked if declawing is ok for a cat long term and the employee said that they never had a problem.
Update Dec. 2020. According to an employee at Dr Pol’s veterinary service, all 5 vets declaw cats, including Dr Pol. Dr Pol petition
National Veterinary Associates (NVA) – They are the largest private owner of 1ooo + freestanding veterinary hospitals in the America. Their mission statement says: “To improve the comfort and well-being of pets by providing progressive and compassionate care.” Many of these veterinary hospitals declaw cats. Also, Petwell merged with NVA in Oct. 2020. NVA Petition
NAVE VETERINARY- NAVE veterinary petition
A bill to ban declawing, AB209, was introduced in Nevada in March 2021 by Assemblywoman Susie Martinez (D-Las Vegas).
The only organization that opposed the bill was the Nevada Veterinary Medical Association (NVMA).
The NVMA’s loyal lobbyist, Alisa Nave Worth, submitted the NVMA’s letter of opposition to this bill.
The NVMA’s lobbyist, Alisa Nave Worth, told us this, ” I can assure you that my families businesses did not impact my moral judgment on this issue.”
More about how this important cat protection bill was stopped. Nevada Anti-declawing bill
PetSmart- They have some Adoption Partners that perform and condone declawing. In November 2018 we privately reached out to PetSmart Charities to ask them to only use Adoption Partners who don’t condone or perform declawing. They replied back and said, “Each Adoption Partner has its own separate adoption policy which may or may not include declawing. If you would like additional information about a specific Adoption Partner, we encourage you to reach out to the group directly.” PetSmart Petition
Purina – Purina makes millions of dollars each year from declawing. Most of the thousands of declawing vets in America recommend, sell, or provide Purina’s Yesterdays News Litter for their declawed cats. We just want Purina to educate the public about declawing and how it’s bad for cats. Purina Petition
VetCor- They own 370 vet practices in America. Many of their vet practices declaw cats. VetCor Petition
VIN and VETERINARY PARTNER- Their declawing information in this story is used by many declawing vet practices. 
Veterinary Partner Declawing Info
Veterinary Partner’s Education Director, Wendy Brooks, who wrote this story wouldn’t answer any questions we have about the info about this story.
Veterinary Colleges that still declaw cats in their animal hospitals. 9 out of 10 of the vet college’s animal hospitals that are still declawing are AAHA accredited hospitals.
Vet colleges and declawing
AMERICAN HUMANE- Here’s their declawing position. UPDATE Dec. 2020- American Humane took off their declawing position statement from their website in 2020.We tried to get an answer as to why but never received a reply.
American Humane Declawing Position They are almost on the right side of history. American Humane changed their 2016 declawing position on June 25th, 2020 after we tweeted to their Pres. Robin Ganzert about their antiquated 2016 position. Unfortunately they left this sentence in it. “American Humane encourages cat owners to defer to veterinarians on what’s best for each patient and client.”
Then thankfully they took out that sentence after we emailed them but kept in this comment, “American Humane condemns declawing or tendonectomy surgery when it is performed solely for the convenience of the guardian.”
We emailed them and told them that they are leaving too much wiggle room for pro-declaw cat owners and declawing vets to justify declawing a cat.
Their Chief Operating Officer emailed us back and said that he’s a big fan of our work and advocacy and said he wants to have a phone conversation about this with our Exec. Director soon. Let’s hope they will do the right thing and completely condemn this inhumane amputation procedure and educate the public about declawing like VCA and Banfield recently did. We are very optimistic about this. They seem to be people who, when they know better, they do better.
All the ethical and humane companies and no-declaw veterinarians in the world honor their veterinary oath to ease the suffering in animals and to heal them. No-Declaw vets in America
These cities banned declawing.
CALIFORNIA CITIES– (2009) Berkeley, Beverly Hills, Burbank, Culver City, Los Angeles, San Fransisco, Santa Monica, and West Hollywood.
St. Louis County (2021), Austin (2021), St. Louis (2019), and Denver (2017)
New York State banned declawing in July 2019.
AAFP– Dec. 16, 2020 the American Association of Feline Practitioners (AAFP) announced a plan to stop allowing declawing in their CAT FRIENDLY PRACTICES by July 2021.
Banfield Pet Hospitals– They banned declawing in all their hospitals in Jan. 2020. Banfield’s declawing position
Bissell Pet Foundation – They are on the side of cats and won’t give grants to rescues that perform and condone declawing.
Chowhound Pet Supplies- They are against declawing and told us, “Chow Hound Pet Supplies has never condoned the practice of declawing cats and is no longer going to partner with cat rescues that declaw otherwise healthy cats, effective June 1st 2019.”
Fear Free Pets- In May of 2021, Dr Marty Becker finally announced that his Fear Free Practices would all have to stop declawing on Dec. 31, 2021.
Litter Robot- They spoke out against declawing. Litter Robot and declawing
Petco – They are against declawing. In 2018 we were informed about a rescue in PA that was promoting declawing on their website for their cats that were in a Petco store. We reached out to Petco and told them about this.
Petco wrote us this back. “Please know that Petco and the Petco Foundation do not support the practice of declawing unless it is a medical necessity. We have reached out to (name of rescue) to express our concern with their listing declawing as a service and let them know that we prohibit the promotion of declawing in Petco stores. A representative from the organization has agreed to no longer promote declawing and will remove the information from their website and other materials.”
Pet Supplies Plus – They are against declawing. They told us this, “We do not support cats being declawed unless it is deemed medically necessary for the health and well-being of the pet.” They do not use adoption partners that perform or condone declawing.
Texas Coalition for Animal Protection- They stopped declawing in their clinics in 2017 after we did a campaign to inspire them to stop performing this inhumane amputation procedure.
VCA Animal Hospitals- They banned declawing in all their hospitals in Feb. 2020 VCA’s declawing position
VIP Pet Care- They own 2900 vet practices in America. They said, “VIP Petcare does not offer declawing services or any other surgical procedures. Owners who contact us to request declawing services as advised against the amputation of their cat’s paws.”
The 20 veterinary colleges that don’t perform declawing in their animal hospitals. Vet Colleges and Declawing
The ANNA Shelter and the Houston Humane Society were the last two animal shelters in America that were declawing cats in their Wellness Centers/Clinic. We reached out to many of their big sponsors and in the last week of August 2021 both of them stopped offering declawing.
The ANNA Shelter’s founder and director told us this on Aug. 24, 2021, “Hi – hadn’t heard from you in a while so I wanted to update you. We no longer offer declaw at any of our clinics. The last vet who wanted to do them left us a few months ago to start her own practice and we decided unanimously to not continue this procedure. I am thrilled. Best of luck with your efforts.”
Unfortunately there are still 14 declawing practices in the Erie area so please read our story and sign our petition.Petition to declawing vets in the Erie, PA area
Houston Humane Society- August 2021, HHS finally took this declawing info off their website and stopped declawing. HHS Petition