Story published on Feb 28, 2021.

Is Dr Lori (Lorraine) Corriveau, the laser declawing veterinarian at Purdue’s Small Animal Primary Care, getting paid by a laser company?

Please send a polite email to Purdue’s Dean of the Vet School or their Media relations folks and ask them this question and ask them why Purdue is still declawing cats. We’ve emailed them but never got a reply.

If you can get an answer from them, please let us know.

Dean’s email- Willie Reed-,
Kevin Doer-,
 Allison Carey-

Dr Lori Corriveau-


Dr Lori (Lorraine) Corriveau declaws cats for Purdue’s Small Animal Hospital.

Her bio on Purdue’s website had this sentence in it in 2017, “She is also involved with the use of our surgical CO2 laser for pain free declaws.”

After we posted a story about this in 2017, her bio was edited and that sentence was taken out.  Lori Corriveau’s edited bio

Here’s our story about Purdue and declawing. Purdue Small Animal Hospital Declaws Cats

We found that Dr Corriveau STILL has the “pain free declaws” up on her Linkedin bio and on Purdue’s veterinary college courses website.

Dr (Lori) Lorraine Corriveau is also on ‘s site in videos touting how great their laser is and listed as a speaker at symposiums and presentations. Here’s the link. Purdue’s declawing vet on laser company’s website

We reached out to Aesculight’s CEO in Feb. 2021, to ask if the veterinarians in their videos are being paid by their company and never heard back.

Aesculight is the leading laser company in America. Dr Corriveau performs live saving procedures with the laser but she also performs mutilating, inhumane, and harmful laser declaws on innocent and healthy cats.  Her info on Purdue’s site says, “Dr. Corriveau also practices and teaches feline friendly handling and restraint. ”   Link to this info. Feline friendly handling

Here’s all the links and screenshots that are currently up that go to Dr Lori Corriveau’s “pain free declaw” information.

Link to Dr Lori (Lorraine) Corriveau’s Linkedin profile that says, “She is also involved with the use of our surgical CO2 laser for pain free declaws.”   You can find Dr Lorraine Corriveau’s Linkedin profile by going to Google and searching, “Dr Lorraine Corriveau Linkedin declaw.”


Link to page on Purdue’s website that says,” Corriveau can discuss: Using lasers for declaws.”   Feb. 15, 2021.                                She can discuss using lasers for declaws

Link to one of the classes Dr Corriveau teaches about Sugar Gliders, with her bio that says, “She is also involved with the use of our surgical CO2 laser for pain free declaws.” Feb. 15, 2021.        Purdue’s surgical CO2 laser for pain free declaws

Link to one of the classes Dr Corriveau teaches about Hedgehogs, with her bio that says, “She is also involved with the use of our surgical CO2 laser for pain free declaws.” Feb. 15, 2021.   Purdue’s surgical CO2 laser for pain free declaws


We have been trying to get an answer from the folks at Purdue but no one has ever replied back to us.

We sent this email to Purdue’s Media relations folks in Feb. 10, 2021 and never heard back.

“Hi folks,

 I’m updating my story about your AAHA animal hospital and how you are still declawing cats.
Your website says that you don’t recommend declawing rabbits and you won’t declaw a rabbit at your small animal hospital yet you are profiting from declawing cats.
Have you read the position statements from VCA and Banfield? They stopped declawing in all their animal hospitals last year. Here are their statements.
Also, The American Assoc. of Feline Practitioners (AAFP) announced in Dec. 2020 that they are not going to allow declawing in their Cat Friendly Practices starting in Jan. for the new ones and in July 2021 for the already established ones. Here’s their information.
It’s nice to see that most humans do better when they know better especially when it has to do with the health and well-being of an innocent animal.
Will you still be declawing cats in your new David and Bonnie Brunner animal hospital when it opens?
Any insight you can offer as to why you are still performing this inhumane, cruel, and unnecessary amputation procedure would be helpful.
Also, if it’s all about the money then I would appreciate an honest answer. Is it possible that some of the profits from this barbaric cat cruelty pay for some of Dr Lori Corriveau’s salary?
Here’s my story about all the vet colleges in America and declawing. Thankfully, more and more of their small animal hospitals are stopping declawing and are ethical and humane animal hospitals who put the welfare of all animals first.