Why Was AAHA Accredited Wexford Veterinary Hospital in PA Deceiving Pet Parents?

If an animal hospital lies right up front to clients then how can anyone trust everything else they are doing?  What keeps them from lying to you in person about your beloved pet? Why is this AAHA hospital promoting things on the front of their website that just aren’t true?  AAHA has 900 standards of care for their accredited animal hospitals and AAHA allows declawing in their hospitals. Does AAHA also allow lies and deception?

Did AAHA Accredited Androscoggin Animal Hospital in Maine Stop Being A Cat Friendly Practice So They Could Keep Declawing Cats?

On July 1, 2021, The American Assoc. of Feline Practitioners (AAFP) stopped allowing declawing in all their Cat Friendly Practices.

Many Cat Friendly Practices are also AAHA Accredited Animal Hospitals and we are finding some who stopped being a CAT FRIENDLY Practice because they wanted to be able to keep declawing cats.
Did Androscoggin Animal Hospital stop being a Cat Friendly Practice in 2021 so they could keep declawing cats?

AAHA Veterinarians Fight to Stop The Anti-Declawing Bills. AAHA.org Won’t Stop Them.

Here are some examples of how the vets with AAHA Accredited Animal Hospital’s fight to stop the anti-declawing bills and ordinances.
Dr Lynn McEwan of Palmdale veterinary hospital, an AAHA accredited animal hospital, submitted this letter of opposition to the California bill to ban declawing in 2018.
In August 2021, another AAHA veterinarian, Dr Peter Pelissier testified to the Sheridan, WY City Council and Mayor about why he opposes the declaw ban amendment to the animal cruelty/abuse ordinance. Here’s his full testimony.  He was not truthful with some of his information. This declaw ban amendment was stopped by a 5-2 vote. One of the Sheridan City Council members told us that he voted no because of Dr Pelissier’s testimony. 

Can You Really Trust AAHA Accredited Animal Hospitals That Perform Declawing? We Say No.

Story published in July 2021 and updated Feb. 2022 and Feb. 2025. . Petition to AAHA. AAHA Petition Here are some of the many AAHA hospitals that perform this inhumane, cruel, and unnecessary amputation procedure (declawing). Some of these AAHA Accredited Animal Hospitals also are not honest about their credentials, do not follow the requirements […]