Did AAHA Accredited Androscoggin Animal Hospital in Maine Stop Being A Cat Friendly Practice So They Could Keep Declawing Cats?

On July 1, 2021, The American Assoc. of Feline Practitioners (AAFP) stopped allowing declawing in all their Cat Friendly Practices.
Many Cat Friendly Practices are also AAHA Accredited Animal Hospitals and we are finding some who stopped being a CAT FRIENDLY Practice because they wanted to be able to keep declawing cats.
Did Androscoggin Animal Hospital stop being a Cat Friendly Practice in 2021 so they could keep declawing cats?
Greta Was Killed at An AAHA Accredited Animal Hospital BECAUSE she was declawed.

A woman adopted Greta when she was 4 months old from PawsPrayersPromises.org rescue.The woman signed their no-declaw contract.The woman had Greta declawed at an unknown animal hospital.
Greta started biting so the woman took her to an American Animal Hospital Association (AAHA) accredited animal hospital and asked the vet to kill little Greta.
The AAHA vet acquiesced and little Greta lost her life.
Press Release: AAHA Sicced Their Lawyers on City the Kitty Nonprofit

On October 30, 2020, GoDaddy, City the Kitty nonprofit’s website hosting company, sent them a DMCA complaint alleging that copyright infringement is taking place on CitytheKitty.org.
The complaint was from the American Animal Hospital Association (AAHA) who alleged that the use of their declawing information and logo was an infringement of AAHA’s rights.
Declaw Communications Toolkit by AAHA
‘ve come up with a bright idea and need your help and ideas to make it successful!
American Animal Hospital Association has their big day coming up on July 22 and let’s help them with their celebration.