AAHA’s Declaw Communications Toolkit To Help Their Declawing Hospitals

Remember, declawing is a $900,000 – $1,200,000,000/year business. That’s a lot of clams.
So here’s the hypocrisy in a nutshell.
AAHA has strict guidelines for compliance.
AAHA has a strong anti-declaw position.
Get ready for the big BUT…
But, they openly tell their 3500 members who pay $1070 for membership, that they don’t have to follow the AAHA declaw position. (They aren’t however, ever lax on the dentals.)
The Organizations That Allow Declawing

Here are many examples of those in the veterinary profession and some outside of it, who could truly help to end the inhumane procedure of declawing, but aren’t.
Blocked For Trying to Protect Cats From Being Declawed

June 28, 2017 Over the last few years that we’ve been working on this cause to end declawing, we’ve been blocked by people and organizations for simply trying to help save kitties from having their toes and claws amputated. Here are the ones that blocked us on Twitter. Here are the reasons we […]
2023 Update of Our 2016 Survey That Found 72% of Vet Clinics in New Jersey Routinely Declaw Cats.

The AVMA Caters To The Lowest Standard of Care By Protecting Their Declawing Veterinarians.
Story published May 2022 In January, 2022, the AVMA sent a letter of opposition to the Maryland anti-declawing bill. (This bill was signed by the Governor of MD in April 2022. Maryland is the 2nd state to ban declawing.) The AVMA used the usual weak excuses to condone this barbaric animal cruelty and also said, […]
The Rebuttal of the AVMA’s Declawing Position Statement.

The Point by Point Rebuttal to the AVMA’s Declawing Position Statement by Dr Jean Hofve Who is An Expert in this Issue.
Are declawing veterinarians contributing to more COVID-19 deaths? Read this story.

There are around 26,000 veterinary practices in America.
Around 21,000 of these practices declaw cats.
Most of these declawing vet practices are still using much needed PPE (masks, gloves, and gowns) to declaw cats and perform elective procedures despite national efforts to conserve this protective medical gear and despite the calls from the AVMA, state veterinary associations, healthcare organizations, hospitals, and state officials, to cease all routine surgeries and services.
These declawing vets are putting profits first and also defying nationwide pleas for sheltering in place, by allowing their clients to come to their clinics for these elective, non-therapeutic procedures.
These declawing vets are using precious PPE to declaw cats and this cruelty towards cats could contribute to more COVID-19 deaths.
Why doesn’t Lamar Advertising want cat owners to know that declawing is amputation?

City the Kitty, the famous internet cat is being silenced and censored in West Michigan for trying to get the truth and facts out about declawing.
Please help us educate this AVMA declawing vet
A 40 year member AVMA declawing vet, who said he has declawed over 2000 cats, Robert Neunzig- “In my opinion it is finally time for our AVMA to not only challenge but to even publically attack such groups who’s mission is nothing more than a self centered attempt to control, intimidate and even harm many of our colleagues.”
California Veterinary Medical Association (CVMA) Delegate’s Views About Declawing
May 2019 This is a story about a veterinarian, Dr Jerry Owens, and his opinions about declawing. Owens, 72, will be the President of the American Veterinary Medical History Society in two months and is a California Veterinary Medical Association (CVMA) member and delegate for Marin county. He worked 7 days a week up […]