AAHA’s Declaw Communications Toolkit To Help Their Declawing Hospitals

Remember, declawing is a $900,000 – $1,200,000,000/year business. That’s a lot of clams.
So here’s the hypocrisy in a nutshell.
AAHA has strict guidelines for compliance.
AAHA has a strong anti-declaw position.
Get ready for the big BUT…
But, they openly tell their 3500 members who pay $1070 for membership, that they don’t have to follow the AAHA declaw position. (They aren’t however, ever lax on the dentals.)
Why Does AAHA.org Lie About Declawing and Why Do They Put Profits Over The Welfare of Cats And Allow Declawing In Their Animal Hospitals?

The American Animal Hospital Association (AAHA) updated their declawing position statement in June 2021.
They say they strongly oppose declawing, explaining that declawing is no longer a reasonable or supported procedure… But then they say if veterinarians are going to declaw, they should use pain meds before, during, and after.
In 2024 The CVMA Once Again Tried To Keep Declawing Legal in California For Their Member Vets

Story published on April 25, 2024. On March 19, 2024 Assembly member Wendy Carrillo introduced the anti-declawing bill AB 2954 in CA. https://legiscan.com/CA/text/AB2954/id/2962679 (On April 8, 2024, Assembly member Carrillo unexpectedly pulled the bill from being heard in the committee. We sent emails and called Carrillo’s office and her Legislative Director Natalee Vicencia sent an […]
Four Animal Welfare Organizations Chose The Virginia Veterinary Medical Association Over The Welfare of Cats

Four animal welfare organizations, who say they are against declawing, the Richmond SPCA, the Virginia Federation of Humane Societies, Best Friends Animal Society, and PETA, supported this corrupted bill with the Virginia Veterinary Medical Associations “owner’s health” amendment in it.
The Organizations That Allow Declawing

Here are many examples of those in the veterinary profession and some outside of it, who could truly help to end the inhumane procedure of declawing, but aren’t.
Blocked For Trying to Protect Cats From Being Declawed

June 28, 2017 Over the last few years that we’ve been working on this cause to end declawing, we’ve been blocked by people and organizations for simply trying to help save kitties from having their toes and claws amputated. Here are the ones that blocked us on Twitter. Here are the reasons we […]
Why Is Dr Pol Still Declawing Cats in 2023?

Story published on December 14, 2023. Please sign our petition to Nat Geo and Dr Pol to stop declawing! http://bit.ly/DrPolStopDeclawing We just wanted to check if Dr Pol is still declawing cats so one of our researchers made a short call to Dr Pol’s Veterinary Services in Weidman, MI and according to an employee that […]
Most Vet Clinics In Colorado Have Stopped Declawing, But This Vet Clinic Is Making Good Money From It

Here’s a photo from Broadlands Veterinary Clinic’s facebook page that was posted on Oct. 9 , 2023. Broadlands Veterinary Clinic’s facebook page We have withheld the names of employees for fear that they might suffer a backlash for their honest answers. Fair Use Act disclaimer. This story is for educational purposes only. Copyright disclaimer […]
AAHA.org had 4 Finalists for Their 2023 Practice of the Year. 3 Of Them Don’t Declaw Cats. AAHA Chose The Declawing Clinic As The Winner.

Story published on Dec.7, 2023. AAHA.org, the American Animal Hospital Association has a yearly contest to pick their AAHA Accredited Animal Hospital of the Year. This year AAHA had 4 choices for their hospital of the year. Three of the AAHA hospitals do not perform declawing and one of them does, according to employees who […]
NHVMA/AVMA Vet Dr Jane Barlow Says that Banning Declawing Will Cause Emotional Harm to Veterinarians.

A representative from the NHVMA/AVMA, Dr Jan Barlow, testified to legislators and said that banning declawing can cause veterinarians emotional harm.