Blocked For Trying to Protect Cats From Being Declawed

June 28, 2017 Over the last few years that we’ve been working on this cause to end declawing, we’ve been blocked by people and organizations for simply trying to help save kitties from having their toes and claws amputated. Here are the ones that blocked us on Twitter. Here are the reasons we […]
“They Don’t Act Like Anything Has Happened”

In June 2017 this veterinary practice posted this photo of two kittens with bloody paws, who were just declawed and said on the caption, “When the two siblings were “fixed” and declawed the day before, but they don’t act like anything has happened…”
How Dr Andy Roark Played The Victim Instead of Helping The Welfare of Cats

In one sentence he said he was, “impressed by my passion and dedication”, and that I’m someone who is working hard to help pets and do good in the world. He said that he hopes I see similar characteristics in him.
And in the next sentence he said he didn’t feel inspired but he felt attacked.
Hmmmm. How did I attack him?
I simply asked some questions in a private email as to why so many employees at his practice that is a AAHA, AAFP Cat Friendly hospital were saying that they are a high volume declawing practice and that cat owners could book a declaw surgery with him personally.