Can You Really Trust AAHA Accredited Animal Hospitals That Perform Declawing? We Say No.

Story published in July 2021 and updated Feb. 2022 and Feb. 2025. . Petition to AAHA. AAHA Petition Here are some of the many AAHA hospitals that perform this inhumane, cruel, and unnecessary amputation procedure (declawing). Some of these AAHA Accredited Animal Hospitals also are not honest about their credentials, do not follow the requirements […]
Is Purdue’s Laser Declawing Veterinarian Getting Paid By A Laser Company?

Story published on Feb 28, 2021. Is Dr Lori (Lorraine) Corriveau, the laser declawing veterinarian at Purdue’s Small Animal Primary Care, getting paid by a laser company? Please send a polite email to Purdue’s Dean of the Vet School or their Media relations folks and ask them this question and ask them why Purdue is […]
Purdue’s AAHA Accredited Animal Hospital Profits from Declawing Cats

Purdue Veterinary Wellness Clinic says they do “pain free declaws” with their CO2 laser. How can burning off a cat’s toe bones and claws with a super heated laser be pain free? How is declawing “feline friendly” handling?