The Organizations That Allow Declawing

Here are many examples of those in the veterinary profession and some outside of it, who could truly help to end the inhumane procedure of declawing, but aren’t.
Fact: 11 out of 14 vets in leadership in Michigan’s vet med association make big bucks declawing. Do cats stand a chance?

Here’s a summary of this survey.
Only three of these MichVMA veterinarians in our survey don’t perform declawing.
6 vet practices use the guillotine clipper method for declawing. Only two of the vet practice’s employees mentioned the humane options during the call.
4 Myths to Debunk Before You Consider Declawing Your Cat

As one of the many veterinarians who refuses to perform declawing surgery, I feel that I’ve heard all the excuses under the sun as to why cats should be declawed. Or, at least, what people thought they knew about declawing. Many people are shocked to learn how awful declawing actually is, and wonder why it was the norm for so long.
How Dr Andy Roark Played The Victim Instead of Helping The Welfare of Cats

In one sentence he said he was, “impressed by my passion and dedication”, and that I’m someone who is working hard to help pets and do good in the world. He said that he hopes I see similar characteristics in him.
And in the next sentence he said he didn’t feel inspired but he felt attacked.
Hmmmm. How did I attack him?
I simply asked some questions in a private email as to why so many employees at his practice that is a AAHA, AAFP Cat Friendly hospital were saying that they are a high volume declawing practice and that cat owners could book a declaw surgery with him personally.
One Giant Step For Catkind That All Veterinary Practices Should Take

We used to believe that declawing cats saved their lives. We feared that cats with claws would be turned in to the shelters in record numbers, and that we were doing a good thing by making cats more likely to stay in their homes.
As it turns out, the numbers do not bear this out. When areas have stopped declawing, the number of surrendered cats actually dropped. This left us with a question. We know that even under the best of circumstances, a declaw is a major and painful surgery, (and no less so when it is performed with a laser, by the way.) It is an amputation of the end of the cat’s “finger,” not just the removal of the claw itself. And even when performed perfectly, can have life-long complications.
So we wondered, if we weren’t saving cats, and this procedure can be painful to cats, why were we doing this? Although we know furniture destruction can be a problem, it can almost always be prevented with the right techniques. Besides, when it comes down to it, as veterinarians, our main concern is the cats, not the couches. We have to do what is best for our patients.
Amputating 10 Cat Toes Is No More Painful Than A Neuter – NJVMA SpokesVet

When cats start walking on their balls then we will start believing the NJVMA’s spokesvet Dr Yurkus and his animal hospital that declawing isn’t more painful than neutering.
Meanwhile, the American Association of Feline Practitioners’ policy on declawing states:
“Physically, regardless of the method used, onychectomy causes a higher level of pain than spays and neuters. Patients may experience both adaptive and maladaptive pain; in addition to inflammatory pain, there is the potential to develop long-term neuropathic or central pain if the pain is inadequately managed during the perioperative and healing periods.” [AAFP Policy Statement on Declawing, 2007.]
Never Give Up On Your Quest To End Declawing

I just wanted to thank YOU, for sharing City with us, if only for a moment in time, City’s mere existence made my mom happy today.
Mom said for me to tell you to never give up on your quest to end declawing.

Let’s thank the NYSVMS for reminding us that we must use our VOICES and EDUCATE the public and CAT OWNERS that DECLAWING is ANIMAL AB– USE and that we must protect all cats from LICENSED VETs who are doing this mutilating and inhumane procedure!
4 Paw Declawed and Dumped Cat

The cat was dehydrated, emaciated, declawed on all four paws (she must have been out there for weeks with absolutely no way to defend herself nor to catch anything to eat), and covered in burrs and sores caused by the burrs.
She could hardly walk and it appeared that her paws were still in pain.
The Big, Ugly, Unethical Business of Amputating Cat Toes & Claws

“We can’t declaw a dog. Dog’s nails are different than cat nails and dogs nails have veins in the nails. Cats don’t have veins inside their nails,” said the employee at this veterinary practice after asking the veterinarian.