Will AAHA’s 2024 Practice of the Year Be Another Declawing Animal Hospital?

AAHA’s 2024 Practice of the Year Contest is here! Let’s vote for the no-declaw animal hospitals! There are 20 finalists. Three of them perform declawing.

In 2023 there were 4 finalists for AAHA’s practice of the year. Three of them did not declaw cats. AAHA chose the declawing clinic as their 2023 Practice of the Year.

In 2024 The CVMA Once Again Tried To Keep Declawing Legal in California For Their Member Vets

Story published on April 25, 2024. On March 19, 2024 Assembly member Wendy Carrillo introduced the anti-declawing bill AB 2954 in CA. https://legiscan.com/CA/text/AB2954/id/2962679 (On April 8, 2024, Assembly member Carrillo unexpectedly pulled the bill from being heard in the committee. We sent emails and called Carrillo’s office and her Legislative Director Natalee Vicencia sent an […]

The Organizations That Allow Declawing

Here are many examples of those in the veterinary profession and some outside of it, who could truly help to end the inhumane procedure of declawing, but aren’t.

The Little Kitten That Was Saved From Being Declawed

Please meet Mouse the kitten.
She is the little kitten from the Midwest that I did a post about yesterday. Her mom was going to take her to get her declawed in two weeks.
I called her “Cutie” because I didn’t know her real name. The intervention post worked and her mom said that she is going to try using Soft Paws instead of getting her declawed. I personally shipped out a couple of boxes of Soft Paws to her today and will update this post when she sends me a photo with them on.