The Organizations That Allow Declawing

Here are many examples of those in the veterinary profession and some outside of it, who could truly help to end the inhumane procedure of declawing, but aren’t.
Most Vet Clinics In Colorado Have Stopped Declawing, But This Vet Clinic Is Making Good Money From It

Here’s a photo from Broadlands Veterinary Clinic’s facebook page that was posted on Oct. 9 , 2023. Broadlands Veterinary Clinic’s facebook page We have withheld the names of employees for fear that they might suffer a backlash for their honest answers. Fair Use Act disclaimer. This story is for educational purposes only. Copyright disclaimer […]
The Rebuttal of the AVMA’s Declawing Position Statement.

The Point by Point Rebuttal to the AVMA’s Declawing Position Statement by Dr Jean Hofve Who is An Expert in this Issue.
The Arizona Veterinary Medical Association does not want declawing banned. Why? The Answer Might Be In This Story

Dr Wayne Anderson, owner of AzPet Vet group, testified in opposition to the anti-declawing bill in Arizona. He said that declaws in his practices are rarely performed, maybe one or two a year. Our research shows that declawing is a routine procedure in many of his practices according to the employees that work there.
AVMA Veterinarian Told Cat Owner That Laser Declaw Is “Virtually Painless.”

Story published in 2017. Here is a sad story about a cat owner that was deceived by her declawing AVMA veterinarian at a cat clinic in Central Michigan. Our researchers looked into how this vet is currently addressing declawing and they found this. Their receptionist says that this vet uses the laser and says, “it […]
Declawing cats- Myths vs Facts

Here are facts from top officials and veterinarians at the Humane Society of the United States, Humane Society Veterinary Medical Association, New York State Humane Association, The Paw Project, and Ethical Veterinary, that you can use when people try to justify doing this mutilating procedure.
Laser Declawing, FBI, Hate Crime

I have a serious and urgent subject to address and have put on my Feline Bureau of Investigation hat to get to the bottom of this alleged crime.