Why Is Dr Pol Still Declawing Cats in 2023?

Story published on December 14, 2023. Please sign our petition to Nat Geo and Dr Pol to stop declawing! http://bit.ly/DrPolStopDeclawing We just wanted to check if Dr Pol is still declawing cats so one of our researchers made a short call to Dr Pol’s Veterinary Services in Weidman, MI and according to an employee that […]
The Majority of Cats in Michigan Don’t Stand a Chance. Declawing Must Be Banned.

Story published June 2023. Please sign our petition! We are almost at 20,000 signatures! Michigan anti-declawing petition In May of 2023, Michigan State Representative Jimmie Wilson Jr. introduced HB 4674 to ban declawing. As most of you know, declawing is a big money making procedure in Michigan. There are even animal rescues that declaw their […]
Veterinary United says, “We are healers first and foremost” yet most of their clinics declaw cats.

Story published on November 7, 2022. Veterinary United says, “We are healers first and foremost” on their website. https://veterinaryunited.com/ Here are a few more things that Veterinary United says on their website. “At Vet United, we’re more than a group of practices—we’re a family, and our values are the driving force behind every decision we […]
Why is Kelley’s Heart to Heart Adoption Center in MI Declawing Most of Their Rescued Cats Before They Put them Up For Adoption?

Dr James Kelley, the owner and declawing vet from Kelley’s Animal Clinic in Walker, MI sent a note to all the shelter directors in Michigan in Feb. 2020 about how he opposed the anti-declawing bill. Some of the things he said in the note were, “Declawing your cat is not a cruel choice, there are no ill side effects, and the cats are not aware of the fact that they have been declawed.”
Dr James Kelley also runs a cat adoption organization called Kelley’s Heart to Heart Adoption Center in Walker, MI and most of their rescued kittens are declawed before they put them up for adoption.
This AAHA Animal Hospital Chose to STOP Being A Cat Friendly Practice So They Could Keep Declawing Cats

Here’s a story about an AAHA Accredited Animal Hospital, Cascade Hospital for Animals in Grand Rapids, MI that chose to stop being a Cat Friendly Practice so they could continue to declaw cats. They once were really proud of being a Cat Friendly Practice as you can see on their 2013 Facebook post. (Please send […]
This declawing vet in Fremont, MI knows she’s wrong but she’s doubling down.

Sept. 2020 PLEASE ALWAYS TAKE THE HIGH ROAD, BE POLITE, AND EDUCATE. NEVER THREATEN ANYONE. The definition of a bully is, “a person who habitually seeks to harm or intimidate those whom they perceive as vulnerable.” Isn’t a declawing veterinarian a bully? Declawing harms the health and well-being of innocent and vulnerable kittens and cats. […]
In the midst of a crisis where everyone is pulling together to save each other, many declawing veterinarians remain selfish.

In the midst of a crisis where everyone is pulling together to save each other, many declawing veterinarians remain selfish.. Despite worldwide efforts to conserve protective medical gear like surgical masks, gowns, and gloves, some declawing vets are still offering non-therapeutic surgeries in order to maintain their profits.
This selfish behavior risks infection with Covid19 in their staff, clients, and worst of all, hospital workers who are in desperate need of these limited resources.
Why 99.9% of shelters and rescues want declawing banned.

Chart is based on data from shelters in the cities where declawing was banned. March 8, 2020. The pro-declaw folks, who don’t want declawing banned, often say that less cats will be adopted and more cats will be in shelters and euthanized. Here’s one of the MANY examples that debunks this antiquated myth and lie. […]
Fact: 11 out of 14 vets in leadership in Michigan’s vet med association make big bucks declawing. Do cats stand a chance?

Here’s a summary of this survey.
Only three of these MichVMA veterinarians in our survey don’t perform declawing.
6 vet practices use the guillotine clipper method for declawing. Only two of the vet practice’s employees mentioned the humane options during the call.
Fewer than 4% of West Michigan vets don’t declaw and they are apparently afraid of being bullied for making the ethical decision.

Fewer than 4% of Western Michigan vets don’t declaw. We reached out to them to ask if they would write up a short paragraph as to why they don’t declaw cats but none of them replied.
Could it be that they are afraid of being bullied for making the ethical decision.