Love All Cats And Don’t Declaw Them

Dr Mike Yurkus statement in the NJVMA Testimony at Assembly Committee Hearing 11/14/2016, “The discomfort level is no more than in a neuter than it is in the declaws that are done properly.”
Never Give Up On Your Quest To End Declawing

I just wanted to thank YOU, for sharing City with us, if only for a moment in time, City’s mere existence made my mom happy today.
Mom said for me to tell you to never give up on your quest to end declawing.
She’s a dreamer and she’s not the only one

To my colleagues around the world I just want to say the following: I see people beginning to dislike (hate is such a strong word) veterinarians, accusing them of just wanting the money.
Well, let us all show the world that we became vets because we love animals.
Yes, we need to make a living, but not at the expense of those animals we have vowed to help.
The AVMA, Declawing & Cigarettes. Lies and deception.

Just like the tobacco companies did in the 30’s and 40’s for smoking, the veterinary profession started deceiving cat owners in the 50’s to believe that declawing was humane.
The veterinary associations and pro-declaw veterinarians are still perpetuating these lies and deception about declawing so that they can keep making money from this very inhumane procedure.

Let’s thank the NYSVMS for reminding us that we must use our VOICES and EDUCATE the public and CAT OWNERS that DECLAWING is ANIMAL AB– USE and that we must protect all cats from LICENSED VETs who are doing this mutilating and inhumane procedure!
It’s a COUCH. It is replaceable. His claws are not.

I cannot find a “good” reason to declaw a cat.
If you cannot change your lifestyle in order to have a cat, you do not understand what cats require and you do not deserve to have one in your family.
Purina, Help Us End Declawing With Some Of The Money You Are Making From It

Purina’s Yesterday’s News cat litter is purchased and recommended by most veterinarians who declaw cats, as their go to, post-surgical litter for declawing.
Sadly, around 2 million cats a year in America are declawed. That’s a lot of sales of Yesterday’s News cat litter from this very harmful and inhumane procedure.
If Purina donated just 50 cents from every sale of Yesterday’s News litter to the cause to end declawing OR used that money to make educational videos about why cats need their toes and claws, it would save hundreds and thousands of cats from going through this very inhumane procedure.
It would show that Purina truly cares about helping to end this horrific and unnecessary procedure that is done to millions of cats in North America mostly for the welfare of a sofa.
American Veterinary Money Association (AVMA): Deception For Profits.

The AVMA position statement on declawing is purposely deceiving.
The AVMA says that there are no studies that show that declawed cats have more behavior problems when compared to a control group.
The AVMA’s intention is to make it sound like there is no evidence that declawed cats have more behavior problems but, the reality is that there really are NO STUDIES, (meaning none have been published), that compare declawed cats to those in a control group.
Isn’t that the most super slimy way to deceive people?!?
Why would they do that?
Never Give Up Protecting Kitties

City, I need help urgently. I am a seventeen year old college student at Northwest Missouri State University. I recently qualified for an emotional support animal for my various mental health problems. Over the weekend, I got a kitten to come live with me after the processing is finished. However, today I learned that they are requiring me to front declaw him before he moves in. Obviously, this is not going to happen, but I don’t know what to do. I don’t want to have to drop out/transfer schools, but I will not mentally make it through the semester without him, and there is no way I am going to mutilate my baby just so he can live here.
We Trusted Our Vet

Our vet told us that declawing should be done to be proactive. Never once did he mention he could teach us how to trim our cats nails. He didn’t offer a choice. He didn’t offer any education as to what the operation entailed. It was all so routine. Like it was just ‘what you did’.
We trusted our vet with the care of our babies. He hurt them and we didn’t even know it. What is even worse, is that he thinks he was providing a SERVICE to us.
I’ve not once had a vet explain to me the horrible side of declawing but they are quick to offer it as a “proactive solution”.