American Association of Feline Practitioners (AAFP) And Their Dirty Little Secret

The American Association of Feline Practitioners (AAFP) says that they are the trusted leader in feline health and welfare yet why do they want to keep the facts about declawing from the public and why do they allow their CAT FRIENDLY Practices to perform this inhumane and mutilating procedure.
AAHA, AAFP Cat Friendly Practice, and Fear Free Veterinary Clinics and declawing.

We surveyed 13 veterinary practices to see how they address declawing. They all are affiliated with AAHA, AAFP, and Fear Free.
5 practices do not declaw cats.
A Declawing Survey of 156 AAFP CAT FRIENDLY Practices

2018 City the Kitty’s American Association of Feline Practitioners (AAFP) CAT FRIENDLY Practice Declawing Study
Of the 156 Cat Friendly Practices in this study in Alabama, Ohio, Iowa, Nebraska, Illinois, New York, New Jersey, Michigan, Oklahoma, and Texas, 133 perform declaws and 23 don’t.
85% of the 156 Cat Friendly Practices in my study declaw cats.
Gold Standard Cat Friendly Practice And Highest of Excellence Veterinary Hospital Declawing 3 Month Old Kittens

Only in America can “doctors” of veterinary medicine achieve the highest standards of excellence in their veterinary hospitals, AAHA, and Cat Friendly Gold Standard Practice and amputate the toes and claws on kittens who are 3 months old AND on all four paws. Here is one of the many very unethical examples where these “doctors” are deceiving their clients and the public to believe that cats and kittens can be “happy and healthy” after they have had this mutilating procedure done to them.
Singing Kumbayah and Holding Hands

Listen folks. I know that most of you are on board with me with this cause and appreciate what I do and how I run things. But I also know that there are some you who think I could do things better or differently. And guess what. I’m all ears and open to any […]