Colorado Veterinary Medical Association Fights The Declaw Ban in Denver. Here’s Why.

November 5, 2017 the Denver City Council unanimously passed the anti-declaw bill and then on November 13, 2017 the City Council unanimously approved the anti-declawing ordinance. Declawing is illegal in the city of Denver!
The Colorado Veterinary Medical Association is the only organization that fought to stop this bill so their vets can keep declawing cats.
My team of researchers did a survey of vet practices in the city of Denver after the Denver City Council voted 11-0 to ban declawing. I wanted to see how the vet practices in Denver address declawing and if word had gotten out that declawing was going to be illegal.
My researchers posed as cat owners who were checking on a price to get their cat declawed. This research was conducted from Nov. 7-9, 2017.
Declawed Your Cat? Join a Class Action Suit

An international group of Pro bono animal advocates is looking for people who had their cats declawed at VCA Hospitals, Banfield Hospitals, any hospital chain or even single private practitioners in the last 4 years and who want to participate in a class action lawsuit, based on the failure of these veterinarians to disclose the true facts, risks, and consequences of declawing and based on the inappropriate veterinary recommendation of declawing cats to protect human health.