Lying To Legislators: Illinois State Veterinary Medical Assoc. and Their President Dr Joanne Carlson Have To Lie About Declawing Because the Truth About It Is Just So Brutal and Awful.

Story published March 10, 2023 Here’s the March 2, 2023 email that was sent to all the ISVMA members asking them to oppose the anti-declawing bill. Look what they said, “To be clear, this bill threatens the veterinary profession. It belittles your education and credentials, undermines your credibility and restricts your ability to use sound […]

Is Missouri Senator Justin Brown protecting a valuable source of revenue for his family’s veterinary clinic by sponsoring a bill that would erase the declawing ban in St. Louis & St. Louis County & would prohibit any future declawing bans in MO?

Senator Justin Brown is sponsoring Senate bill 115 and Rep. Jim Murphy is sponsoring House Bill 801, and these bills will erase the declawing ban in St. Louis and St. Louis County and will prohibit any future declawing bans in cities in Missouri if they pass.  The bills have made it past a few steps and is in a Senate hearing on Jan. 31, 2023 to send it to the floor for a vote.

Yes, you heard right.  Senator Justin Brown and Jim Murphy are trying to eliminate bills in St. Louis & St. Louis County that are protecting cats from this animal cruelty and will prevent any future bills from passing that would protect cats from this cruelty in Missouri cities.

If you are one of their constituents, please send them a polite email or call and let them know that you aren’t happy with them for doing this. Ask Sen. Justin Brown if he is trying to protect a valuable source of revenue for his family’s vet clinic that is performing 3-4 guillotine clipper declaws a week according to an employee who works there. (This is the most mutilating method of declawing. The employee also said they don’t send the cats home with any pain meds.)

Sen. Justin Brown. (573) 751-5713  Email- [email protected]
Rep. Jim Murphy 573 751 3719.  Email- [email protected]

Will AAHA’s Chief Medical Officer, Dr Jessica Vogelsang, Be Able To Inspire AAHA to Ban Declawing in their hospitals?

In 2021 hired a new Chief Medical Officer, Dr Jessica Vogelsang.

AAHA says that they are strongly opposed to declawing, that veterinarians should tell their clients that it is a procedure that is no longer supported or reasonable yet they allow it in their AAHA Accredited Animal Hospitals. Many of them perform this inhumane amputation on a regular basis, they advertise declawing, put out declawing coupons, and lie about it and say that the cats are ok long term after they are declawed.

We are optimistic that Dr Vogelsang will be the progressive, ethical, and humane veterinary leader at AAHA who sees the value in doing the right thing, being on the right side of this issue and history, and will inspire AAHA to put the welfare of all animals first and ban declawing in their AAHA accredited animal hospitals.

Why Did Six Republican Legislators Kill the 2023 Anti-declawing Bill in Virginia? Follow the Money.

6 Republican legislators in the VA Agriculture Chesapeake and Natural Resources committee voted to kill the anti-declawing bill in Virginia today.

4 Democrat legislators in that committee voted in support of this bill, HB 1382.

All the big humane animal welfare organizations like the, HSUS, Alley Cat Allies, and many others in Virginia testified in support of this bill and how declawing is inhumane and never necessary.

The only opposition to this bill was from Susan Seward, lobbyist for the Virginia veterinary medical association and Heidi Crosky with the Virginia Animal Owners Alliance

The VVMA used the human health excuse and HIV patients and a worker at a biohazard lab as to why declawing shouldn’t be banned.

Heidi Crosky with Virginia Animal Owners Alliance used the human health excuse as to why they don’t want declawing banned.

Did The Declawing Veterinarian on NVA’s Medical Advisory Board Make NVA’s Declawing Policy?

Did National Veterinary Associates (NVA) let the only declawing veterinarian on their Medical Advisory Board’s influence their declawing position that says their vets can declaw a cat if they deem it will benefit the cat?
HERE’S THE VERY CONCERNING AND DISTURBING PART.  We did some more investigating and found that there are 8 veterinarians on NVA’s Medical Advisory Board. Link to their vets-  NVA’s Medical Advisory Board veterinarians

We found that ONE of these NVA Medical Advisory Board veterinarians works at a practice that is still declawing cats and this Medical Advisory Board veterinarian personally regularly declaws cats, according to some employees who work there.
All of the other 7 veterinarians on NVA’s Medical Advisory Board DO NOT declaw cats and their practices say that it is inhumane and bad for cats, according to employees who work at these practices.

Why is Kelley’s Heart to Heart Adoption Center in MI Declawing Most of Their Rescued Cats Before They Put them Up For Adoption?

Dr James Kelley, the owner and declawing vet from Kelley’s Animal Clinic in Walker, MI sent a note to all the shelter directors in Michigan in Feb. 2020 about how he opposed the anti-declawing bill. Some of the things he said in the note were, “Declawing your cat is not a cruel choice, there are no ill side effects, and the cats are not aware of the fact that they have been declawed.”

Dr James Kelley also runs a cat adoption organization called Kelley’s Heart to Heart Adoption Center in Walker, MI and most of their rescued kittens are declawed before they put them up for adoption.