Blocked For Trying to Protect Cats From Being Declawed

June 28, 2017 Over the last few years that we’ve been working on this cause to end declawing, we’ve been blocked by people and organizations for simply trying to help save kitties from having their toes and claws amputated.  Here are the ones that blocked us on Twitter.     Here are the reasons we […]

Did The Declawing Veterinarian on NVA’s Medical Advisory Board Make NVA’s Declawing Policy?

Did National Veterinary Associates (NVA) let the only declawing veterinarian on their Medical Advisory Board’s influence their declawing position that says their vets can declaw a cat if they deem it will benefit the cat?
HERE’S THE VERY CONCERNING AND DISTURBING PART.  We did some more investigating and found that there are 8 veterinarians on NVA’s Medical Advisory Board. Link to their vets-  NVA’s Medical Advisory Board veterinarians

We found that ONE of these NVA Medical Advisory Board veterinarians works at a practice that is still declawing cats and this Medical Advisory Board veterinarian personally regularly declaws cats, according to some employees who work there.
All of the other 7 veterinarians on NVA’s Medical Advisory Board DO NOT declaw cats and their practices say that it is inhumane and bad for cats, according to employees who work at these practices.

Is Purdue’s Laser Declawing Veterinarian Getting Paid By A Laser Company?

Story published on Feb 28, 2021. Is Dr Lori (Lorraine) Corriveau, the laser declawing veterinarian at Purdue’s Small Animal Primary Care, getting paid by a laser company? Please send a polite email to Purdue’s Dean of the Vet School or their Media relations folks and ask them this question and ask them why Purdue is […]

Who’s lying? Banfield or One of Banfield’s Declawing Hospitals?

Story published Feb. 23, 2021. Screenshot taken on Feb. 23, 2021 of a Google review for Gentle Doctor Animal Hospital. The Gentle Doctor became a Banfield hospital in Oct. 2019 according to an employee that works there. Banfield banned declawing in Jan. 2020 in all their hospitals.Banfield’s Declawing Policy     ———————————————————————————————————————————————————- Banfield Animal Hospitals […]