Story published on March 20, 2025

The American Society For The Prevention Of Cruelty To Animals (ASPCA) does not want declawing banned. 

The ASPCA’s declawing position statement is being used to defeat the anti-declawing legislation and it’s being used by pro-declaw cat owners to justify this inhumane amputation procedure.

We reached out to the ASPCA to ask them why they don’t want declawing banned and where is their data that backs up their position statement that says in rare cases it could prevent euthanasia. We also told them that their position statement is being used to defeat the anti-declawing legislation and is helping declawing vets profit from this animal cruelty. We showed them this story which is proof that declawing vets are profiting from this cat cruelty after the bills in AZ, IL, and WY were stopped and the pro-declaw veterinary professionals used the ASPCA’s declawing position to accomplish their goal to keep declawing legal.
On March 26, 2025 the ASPCA’s legislative dept. wrote this reply and ignored our very important questions.

“Thank you for contacting the ASPCA.

The ASPCA is strongly opposed to declawing cats. The ASPCA does not perform declaw surgeries and we believe the only circumstances in which the procedure should be considered are those in which all behavioral and environmental alternatives have been fully explored, have proven to be ineffective, and the cat is at grave risk of euthanasia.
Please feel free to read more about our position statement on declawing cats here.
ASPCA Legislative Engagement Team”

We wrote them back and told them the best position statement that aligns with the mission of their organization would be something like this.

“The ASPCA is strongly opposed to declawing cats. The ASPCA does not perform declaw surgeries and we believe the only circumstances in which the procedure would be acceptable is for a medical reason for the cat such as a tumor or injury to the cat’s paw.  If all behavioral and environmental alternatives have been fully explored, and have proven to be ineffective, and the cat is at grave risk of their owner using emotional blackmail and is threatening to have their cat killed if they cannot have them declawed, then a veterinarian should offer to re-home the cat to owners who would never consider this animal cruelty option and who would take the humane path with the alternatives like sturdy scratching posts, scratching pads,  nail trims, deterrents like Feliway or double sided tape, and as a last resort, Soft Paws. ” 

———————————————————————————————————————-It’s time that the ASPCA stops condoning declawing with the declaw/death excuse and starts helping the Paw Project, Humane World for Animals, Best Friends Animal Society, and HSVMA with the anti-declawing bills.

The ASPCA keeps changing their excuses to condone declawing in their declawing position.  Here’s how their position statement has changed.

2015 and before: “ASPCA Position Statement on Declawing Cats – “The ONLY circumstance in which the procedure could be condoned would be if the health and safety of the guardian would be put at risk, as in the case of individuals with compromised immune systems or illnesses that cause them to be unusually susceptible to serious infections…”

2016 and after: “ASPCA Position Statement on Declawing Cats – …The ONLY circumstances in which the procedure should be considered are those in which all behavioral and environmental alternatives have been fully explored, have proven to be ineffective, and the cat is at grave risk of euthanasia.”


Please call the ASPCA and ask them why don’t they want this ANIMAL CRUELTY (declawing) banned. 
1 888 666 2279 ext 3.
Be polite since they said, “We don’t respond to terrorist requests” after a City the Kitty representative called them and politely said they wanted to make a donation but was wondering if the ASPCA was going to revise their declawing position and asked for the data that supports their position. The ASPCA says, “in rare cases, the procedure may be justifiable as a last resort to prevent euthanasia..”
(There is no data like that, in fact the opposite often happens and declawed cats are relinquished to shelters BECAUSE of the behavioral issues from their mutilated paws.)
The ASPCA director said that our offer for the conditional donation and request for their declawing position’s data was, “manipulation at the least and terrorism at the highest level.”  

Please take a minute to sign our petition to the ASPCA. No need to donate to Change. org to sign it since they keep the money. ASPCA Petition

This facebook post is from one of the Arizona vet clinics that is STILL DECLAWING CATS because the ASPCA’s position was used to defeat the bill in that state.



How the ASPCA’s declawing position was used to defeat the anti-declawing legislation resulting in cats still being declawed.

In 2021, the anti-declawing ban in Sheridan, WY was stopped by an declawing veterinarian, Dr Peter Pelissier, from MountainView Veterinary Hospital, who used the ASPCA’s declawing position in his testimony. One of the City Council members told us that he voted against the ordinance because of Dr Pelissier’s testimony.  Video of how an AAHA Vet Fought to Keep Cruelty Legal  March 2025. According to an employee who works at Mountain View Veterinary Hospital, they regularly perform front declaws and a declaw/neuter is $850-$900.

In 2022, the anti-declawing bill in Arizona was stopped by the Arizona Veterinary Medical Association and their lobbyist used the ASPCA’s declawing position in her testimony to legislators. Here is the videoMarch 2025. 20 out of 23 vet clinics owned by the AzPetVet (now Lovet Pet) veterinarian, who lied in his testimony against this bill, are still performing declawing, most of them on a regular basis according to employees who work there. Also, many other random vet clinics in AZ are still regularly declawing cats. The average cost of a neuter/declaw ranges from $900- $1200.

In 2023, the anti-declawing bill in Illinois was stopped by the Illinois Veterinary Medical Association and their President used the ASPCA’s declawing position in a letter to the editor  to the Chicago Sun Times. March 2025. Declawing is regularly performed in the majority of vet clinics in Illinois according to our random survey.

Here’s the ASPCA’s 2025 declawing position. ASPCA’s 2025 Declawing Position

Here’s our 2021 story about why the veterinary association in AZ didn’t want declawing banned.

Here’s our 2023 story about how the ASPCA’s declawing position was used to stop the anti-declawing legislation in WY, AZ, and IL.



Our researchers made a short call to veterinary clinics.

The researcher asked for a price for a spay/neuter and declaw, who performs their declaws, what declawing method they use, and if declaws are regularly performed, and if the cats are ok long term after a declaw.

We have withheld the names of employees for fear that they might suffer a backlash for their honest answers.


Only 3 of the 23 Lovet Pet Healthcare’s Arizona clinics do not perform declawing according to employees, however 2 of those clinics refer people to their sister clinics for a declaw.

(One of the Lovet clinics is in Chicago, IL and they are a no declaw clinic and say that they do not declaw cats because it causes more harm to the cats than good and they end up with disfigurement and really bad arthritis.)

Many of the employees at these Lovet clinics asked if our researchers wanted the cost of a two or four paw declaw.

Most of the clinics said they do declaws regularly and only two of them mentioned the humane alternatives to declawing, The range for a 2 paw declaw/neuter at a Lovet clinic is from $900 up to $3800 with the average cost around $1200.  So you can imagine how much money all these clinics are making from declawing cats.


1) Arrow Animal Hospital. Glendale, AZ

2025.The employee said that Dr Sherrell and Dr Burns perform their declaws with a laser and said that they keep the cat overnight to monitor them. They can’t give out a quote for the neuter/declaw on the phone. Researcher asked if they perform declaws regularly and the employee said, “correct.”

Jan. 2023. Researcher asked for the cost of a declaw and the employee asked, “Would it be all four paws or just two? They said that they use cautery and instruments to perform their declaws.

Researcher asked if the cats are ok after the declaw and they said, “Yep, we do declaws all the time.” The employee said that their owner vet, Dr Stuart Sherrell does their declaws and he has over 35 years of experience. They said that the first few weeks the cats will be limping because they are tender but long term they haven’t seen any complications. They said a 4 paw declaw/neuter is $1500- $1700.   A 2 paw declaw/neuter is around $1300- $1500.

They said that you can just make an appointment to talk to the doctor to go over everything, give you the full estimate, how long it will take and you can pick up the cat the next day. They said they keep the cats overnight to make sure their paws are ok the next morning and aren’t swollen or bleeding. They said that most people do the 2 paw declaw but they have seen people have the 4 paw declaws.

Jan. 2021.  This was the first AzPetVet hospital in 1984. Our researcher spoke with their declawing veterinarian, Dr Stuart Sherrell. He said that he has been doing declaws for 30 years, he uses a radio surgery tool and said there is less pain. He said he has cats with claws and without claws and the declawed cats can’t tell the difference. He said they go outside supervised and climb trees. When asked if there are any long-term problems with declawing and he said you never can guarantee it but they usually walk around like nothing happened to them.

This is from their website on Feb. 6, 2021.  Here’s the link. Declaws for cats and dogs

(The declaw option was removed after we published this story.)

 2) Happy Valley Animal Hospital.

2025. The employee said that a neuter/declaw is $760 and Dr Yoshimoto is their declawing vet and said that she has done quite a few of them.  Dr. Kaylee Yoshimoto, was the 2022-23 PRESIDENT OF THE AZVMA and the AzVMA’s lobbyist used the ASPCA’s position to stop the 2022 anti-declawing bill in AZ.

Researcher asked if the cats are ok after a declaw and the employee said yes, they really haven’t had any issues. The employee said that you can just get a pre-surgical exam on the morning of the neuter/declaw and you meet with Dr Yoshimoto and she will go over everything with you and as long as the cat is healthy she will proceed with the procedures.

Jan. 2023.  Researcher asked for the cost of a declaw and the employee asked, “Are you talking about just the front two paws or all four?”   A two paw declaw/neuter is $702 and a four paw declaw/neuter is $861. The employee said you can make an appointment for the procedures and then just drop the cat off. If you want to get a consult with a vet to talk about the procedure you can, but it’s not required. They said that the majority of their vets do their declaws.

Feb. 2021.  They said that 5 of the 6 vets do declaws and they do a few a month.  A spay/4 paw declaw is $551.20.  Researcher asked if declawing is ok for a cat long term and the employee said, “Absolutely.” According to another employee, five out of six of the vets, including Dr Kaylee Yoshimoto, do a few declaws each month.  Employee said that the cats might be limping for a day or so but they recover and act like nothing happened.

Update March 2022. Dr Kaylee Yoshimoto of Happy Valley Animal Hospital was mentioned in the testimony to the Senate Commerce Committee to answer any questions about the declawing procedure.


3) Madison Animal Hospital.

2025. The employee said a neuter/declaw is from $960 – $1400. They said that all their doctors can do a declaw. Researcher asked if they regularly perform declaws and the employee said yes. Researcher asked if the cats are ok long term after a declaw and they said, “Yea, I’m sure they are ok” and said they are a little sore after the surgery.

Jan. 2023. The employee said that a neuter/declaw is $954 and said they perform declaws regularly. They said that all their doctors do the declaws. When asked if the cats are ok long term and the employee said yes.

Feb. 2021. A spay/declaw is $560- $740. They say the cats stay overnight and there are no long terms problems to declawing.


4) Bell Ridge Animal Hospital.  Phoenix, AZ. 

2025. The employee said that none of their doctors perform declaws because they aren’t trained to do them. They refer you to their sister hospital which is their largest hospital, Arrow Animal Hospital.

Jan. 2023 The researcher asked for the cost of a declaw and the employee asked, “ It’s just the two front paws correct?”

They said an all four declaw is around $861 and a two paw declaw is around $702. They said that their vets use a radio surgery unit and a 2 paw declaw is around $833 and four paw is around $992. They said the radio surgery it cauterizes and cuts the bleeding down and heals better. They only have one doctor who does declaws and said she does them regularly, Dr Jennifer Starkel. When asked if a declaw is ok for a cat long term they said they believe so and no one has had any issues when she does them.

Another employee said that they use a Ellman radio surgery unit. Researcher asked if the cats are ok long term and the employee said yes. They said Dr Starkel has done declaws quite a bit and said she just did a declaw the other day and said the cat is great. They said a declaw is $1000- $1200 with the radio surgery unit. They said you can make the appointment for the procedure and come in and go over paperwork and drop off the cat. 

March 2022. Employee said a spay/declaw is around $530-$630.  They recommended Dr Starkel for the declaw and said not every veterinarian does declaws. The employee said that she does declaws every once in awhile because not everyone has them done all the time. When asked if the cats are ok long term, the employee said yes and they have the cats stay overnight to monitor them for bleeding. They said they offer radiosurgery for the declaws.


5) Road Runner Animal Hospital. Peoria, AZ

2025. Researcher asked for the cost of a neuter/declaw and the employee asked if you want to do the neuter with the declaw or separate surgeries. They said that typically they do them together but leave it up to the owner.  The neuter is $440 and a declaw is between $300-$1000 depending on the age of the cat and other factors. The employee said that Dr Glicksman does their declaws with an electric cautery which they said is just like a laser.

Researcher asked if they perform declaws regularly and the employee said, “Typically, yes.” and said “we had one done today.”  Researcher asked if the cats are ok long term after a declaw and the employee said yes, regarding the cats that she’s seen who had a declaw from Dr Glicksman.


Jan. 2023. They said that Dr Adam Riley, Dr Elizabeth Glicksman, and Dr Jose Evans do their declaws with a radio surgery unit. You need a consult exam to go over everything and check out the cat to see if everything is nice and stable and get the cat in for the surgery.

A neuter/declaw is $1039. When asked if they do them regularly the employee said yes they do. When asked if the cat is ok long term they said that it’s not something recommended and there are other options and that it could cause more arthritic tendencies. They said that you can do nail caps or other alternatives. Another employee said that it’s up to you to do the declaw.

Feb. 2021. A spay/declaw is $440.60- $540.60. They require an exam first to see if the cat is healthy and the doctor will determine if it’s the right thing for the cat.


6) Norterra Animal Hospital, Phoenix.

2025. The employee said that Dr Horvath she does their declaws. Researcher asked if she does declaws regularly and the employee said yes. Researcher asked if the cats are ok long term after a declaw and the employee said yes, and said Dr Horvath has done many declaws. They couldn’t give a quote for the neuter/declaw on the phone.

Jan. 2023. Employee said that a 2 paw declaw/neuter is $900. They said that Dr Michelle Horvath and Dr Jason Gold do their declaws regularly. After the declaws the cat gets sutured and stay 48 hrs. When asked if the cats are ok after declaws the employee said yes.

March 2022. Researcher asked for the cost of a spay and then how much extra for a declaw. Employee asked, “Would it be just the front two?”

A 4 paw declaw with a spay would be around $850.  The employee said all their doctors have been doing declaws for awhile but some of them chose not to do them anymore. They recommended Dr Michelle Horvath and said they believe she is the only doctor who will do the declaws and she is very comfortable with the procedure and have done declaws plenty of times. They said that she does a couple declaws a month and is doing one tomorrow. They said people are starting to steer away from the declaws.

When asked if a declaw is ok for a cat long term, the employee said that it is equivalent to cutting off the first knuckle and is extremely painful. They said that later on in their life there’s a chance that the cat can get aggressive and start biting because they don’t have their claws and they can have pain in their paws. 


7) Animal Hospital at Verrado. Buckeye, AZ

2025. They can’t give a cost for a declaw and you need an exam first before a declaw and it’s up to the doctor if they will proceed with the procedure. They have a traveling surgeon, Dr Evans, who does their declaws. They said that they have sister locations and they can reach out to them to see if they are comfortable doing a declaw. 

Jan. 2023. The employee said that a neuter/declaw is $964 and Dr Johanna DeKing does their declaws and does them fairly often. When asked if the cats are ok long term, they said that the doctor will discuss that with you because it involves removing the first digit and can cause some arthritis in the future. They said that the doctor uses a couple methods and can use a radio surgery, which is more effective and faster.


8) Arrowhead Ranch Animal Hospital, Glendale, AZ

2025. The employee said if it’s just the front two paws, a declaw/neuter is around $1000 – $1200. They said if you “needed all four” it would be between $1200- $1400.

They said that Dr Kerry Tarr performs their declaws. Researcher asked if they perform declaws regularly and the employee said, “yes she does.” Researcher asked if the cats are ok after the declaw and they said, “Yes, for the most part they are always alright, every cat heals differently.” Researcher asked if they are ok long term and the employee said yes.


Jan. 2023. Researcher asked for the cost of a declaw and the employee asked, “Do you want just the front ones or do you want all four?”   They said a 2 paw declaw/neuter is $702 and 4 paw declaw/neuter is $861. They said most of their doctors do declaws and there’s only one who doesn’t. The employee was asked if they do declaws regularly and they said, “Oh yea, pretty frequently.”

Researcher asked if the cats are ok long term after a declaw and the employee said yes and said, “I had my cat declawed and she is totally fine.” They said that it was a while ago they believe it was either Dr Melissa Berthiaume or Dr Kerry Tarr.

March 2022. Researcher asked for the cost of a neuter and then how much extra for a declaw. Employee asked, “For all 4 paws or just one?”  The employee said that a front declaw is $383.50 and for all 4 paws is $540 for their “basic package.”  

A neuter/2 paw declaw is $469.60 for their “basic package” or $551 for neuter/4 paw declaw package.  The employee said that all their surgeons on staff are capable of doing the declaws.  The employee was asked if the cats are ok long term after a declaw and they said, yes, they haven’t had problems lately about that.  When asked if they do declaws regularly, they said, “There are a few here and they’re not as often as…”


9) Dove Valley Animal Hospital.  

2025. The employee said that they can’t give a cost of a declaw on the phone and have to get an estimate from a doctor. They said that Dr K does their neuters and declaws.

Jan. 2023. They said that any of their doctors can do a declaw and there’s a little knock off on the cost of a declaw if you do it with a neuter/spay. They said that you have to talk to a doctor first who goes over everything.

  1. An employee asked, “Are we wanting to do the front and back?” A spay/4 paw declaw is $551. They said it’s cheaper when you do the spay/declaw package together and the cost is $440. They said all their vets do declaws regularly. When asked if declawing is ok for a cat long term the employee said if it’s an indoor cat, it won’t affect them.


10)  West Loop, Chicago, IL

The employee said that they don’t do declaws. Researcher asked why they don’t and the employee said it’s a practice that’s going out of style because it actually causes more harm to cats than good. They said a lot of times they end up with disfigurement and really bad arthritis in their joints because it’s an amputation. They said it’s like cutting your fingers off at the knuckle.


11) Animal Hospital at Anthem.

2025. The employee said that a declaw/neuter is around $1200.

Jan. 2023. Researcher asked for the cost of a declaw and the employee asked, “Do you want all four paws or just the front 2 paws?”

The employee said the radio surgery declaw method is $700- $850 for two paws or $900- $1050 for 4 paws. They said that the radio surgery method is less pain and they don’t use a scalpel, they can cauterize the veins easier, and there’s less bleeding. They said the cats spend the night and you are taking off the top part of their paw in a declaw so usually they are fine but… and stopped the sentence. Dr Brian Waller and Dr Lauren McEllen do their declaws. They said it’s not a regular surgery that they do but they do them.

Another employee said that their radio surgery method cuts and cauterizes at the same time, makes the time faster so they aren’t under anesthesia as long, and promotes better healing when they cut the skin and helps minimize bleeding. They said a scalpel has more bleeding. They said they can change the settings on how strong it is because every animal’s skin is going to be different. Researcher asked if the cats are ok long term after the declaw and the employee said yes.

Feb. 2021. Researcher asked for the price of a spay/declaw. Employee asked, “Are you doing all four paws or just two?” A spay/4 paw declaw is $792.57.  They said that all their vets do declaws but some won’t do 4 paw declaws. They said that they try to discourage declaws because of ethical reasons but they will do them.


  12) Signal Butte Animal Hospital. Mesa

2025. The employee said that Dr Graham does their declaws. Researcher asked if Dr Graham does the declaws regularly and the employee said, “I wouldn’t say that we do them everyday single but he’s done quite a few of them.”

Researcher asked if the cats are ok long term after a declaw and the employee said, “Yea usually, for the most part” and that’s why he requires a consult exam first to make sure the cat is a good candidate for a declaw. They couldn’t give out a cost of a declaw on the phone.

Jan. 2023. The employee said that they only do the two paw declaw/neuter and it is $702 without blood work and $852 with blood work. They said they don’t require blood work for a 6 month old cat. They said that Dr John Graham uses a scalpel for the declaw. Researcher asked if the cat is ok long term after a declaw and the employee said yes and he does declaws regularly.

March 2022. Researcher asked for the cost of a neuter and then how much extra for a declaw. Employee asked, “Were you wanting to declaw two paws or all four?”

A two paw is $470 and a four paw is $470 also.  A neuter/declaw is around $700.  Employee said all their doctors are familiar with the declaw and can perform them and Dr John Graham is well recommended for surgery and does the declaws.

Researcher asked if their doctors do declaws regularly and the employee said, “They do.”


13) Surprise Animal Hospital, Surprise, AZ

2025. The employee said that a declaw/neuter is around $4800 and they only do the 2 paw declaw. They said that a neuter is around $650 and a declaw is around $4200.

Researcher why they don’t like to do the 4 paw declaw and the employee said it’s very painful because it’s more like a finger amputation rather than just removing the claws. They said, “It can be painful for them to walk around with it so we always like to just do the front two.”

Researcher asked if it’s painful for the rest of their lives and the employee said yes, and said it’s a hard recovery too because they do have to walk on all four legs so sometimes it can be hard if its done all at once. They said that all their vets can do the declaws.

Researcher asked if they do declaws regularly and they said, “We don’t see them as often but we do offer the two paw declaws, yes.” Researcher asked if the two paw declaws are done fairly regularly and not the four paw declaw and the employee said, “Yes.”

They said all their surgeons can do the declaw.


Jan. 2023. Researcher asked for the cost of a declaw and the employee asked, “Do you want like a front declaw or all paws?”   2 paw declaw/neuter is $898 and all four paw declaw/neuter is $1057. The employee said you can just drop off the cat for the procedures and spend about 20 minutes for paperwork. They said that the majority of their doctors do declaws and they said that since it’s a cosmetic procedure that they don’t really do them regularly.

March 2022. Spay/2 paw declaw is $518.90. The employee said that all their doctors do declaws. Researcher asked if they do them regularly and the employee said yes. Researcher asked if a cat is ok long term after a declaw. The employee said that they talk to the owners about alternatives because it is taking off the first knuckle. They said they are booking out a couple months for their surgeries.


  14) North Buckeye Animal Hospital.

2025. Researcher asked for the cost of a declaw/neuter and the employee asked, “2 paws or 4 paws?” The employee said that a 2 paw declaw/neuter is $890 – $1050 and a four paw declaw/neuter is $1060 – $1200. They said that they have vets who come in from their sister hospitals to perform their declaws.

Researcher asked if they perform declaws regularly and the employee said it depends because they don’t get too many calls for declawing. Researcher asked if the cats are ok long term and the employee said yes for the most part. They said the doctor wouldn’t do the procedure if they didn’t have a good chance of it working. They said some doctors don’t feel comfortable performing declaws because it’s like cutting off the tips of your fingers.

Feb. 2023  The employee said that not all their vets do declaws. They said a 2 or 4 declaw is possibly around $300-$500. They said that they don’t do declaws very often.

2021. A spay/declaw is $540.60. They have two vets who do the declaw. When asked if the cats are ok long term the employee said they are painful for the first two days but there should be no issues.  The employee ended the call with, “Let us know if you want us to declaw your cat.”


15) Westbrook Animal Hospital.

2025. The employee said that a declaw/neuter is around $968 – $1063. They said that Dr Ullman and Dr Cohen perform their declaws. Researcher asked if the cats are ok long term after a declaw and they said you can ask the doctor in a consult exam and the cats have to be under 10 lbs and 1 year old for a declaw.

Researcher asked if they perform declaws regularly and the employee said yes.

Jan. 2023. They said that you need a consultation first because not everyone agrees with doing a declaw and they explain what’s involved and to make sure you know what’s going on with the declaw.     A 2 paw declaw is $762. They only have two doctors who will still do a declaw, Dr Martha Ullman and Dr Chris Hummel. When asked if the cats are ok long term after a declaw they said they are but they will be in some pain. When asked if they will be in pain forever, the employee said that some people say they are, but each cat is different.

March. 2022. A neuter/declaw is $529.

They said that Dr Chris Hummel and Dr Martha Ullman do their declaws.  Researcher asked if the cats are ok long term after a declaw and the employee said that there definitely are risks to the procedure and they offer a pre-op consult to make sure you are aware there are risks. Employee was asked if they do declaws regularly and they said that the doctors have done a lot of them but they don’t do them very often and it’s more rare they do them nowadays.


 16) Goodyear Animal Hospital.

2025. The employee said that a declaw/neuter is $962 – $1200. Researcher asked which surgeon performs their declaws and they said that all of their surgeons perform declaws and are all good. Researcher asked if they perform declaws regularly and the employee said yes.

Researcher asked if the cats are ok long term after a declaw and the employee said, “Yea, it is preference and the doctor would be willing to discuss what the pros and cons of declawing can be” and said you can set up a consult to talk about it.   They said they keep the cats two days  to ensure their overall health and wellness. They said that they only do the two paw declaws and said they don’t do the four paw because they believe that the other two (paws) can be of use to the cats for overall safety and health. They said that the cats would still be able defend themselves well if they had the back paws. Researcher asked if they perform a 3 paw declaw and the employee said no, they only do the 2 paw declaw.

Jan. 2023. Employee said that a neuter/declaw package for just the traditional front two paw declaw is $715.65 to start and for neuter/4 paw declaw starts at $874.65.   They said that Dr Amy Schomburg, Dr Tyler Elliot, and Dr Giovanna Guzman do declaws regularly. They said that most of their doctors would recommend using the radio surgery method. All four paw declaw/neuter with the radio surgery unit is $1057.65. They said that the radio surgery is similar to laser but they use cauterizing so it minimizes the chance of complications, speeds up the healing process vs the traditional declaw method and it’s an additional cost. Researcher asked if the cats are ok long term after a declaw and they said yes. They said you can make an appointment to drop off the cats for the procedures.

March. 2022. Researcher asked for the cost of a neuter and then how much extra for a declaw. Employee asked, “Just the two paws?”

A neuter/declaw is around $600.  The employee wasn’t sure which doctors still do declaws. Researcher asked if the cats are ok long term after a declaw and the employee said there are always risks with anesthesia but ask far as not having claws long term, they said yes.


17) Las Sendas Animal Hospital.

2025.  The employee said that a declaw/neuter is around $2000 – $2500. They said that they don’t perform the declaws very much. They said that they try to avoid doing them if they can. They said you need to get a consult exam prior to a declaw to discuss the warnings and precautions and side effects for such a serious procedure. They said that they would also discuss different options and said after the consult and discussing all precautions and possible reactions and risks they could perform the declaw. They said that the side affects depend on the patient and that risk goes with the procedure. They said, “If you would like to move forward with removing the nails out of your cat’s paws” they recommend a consultation with the doctor to discuss it. Researcher asked if they just remove the nails and the employee said, “ So we are not going to remove the toe, if you’re asking for a declaw, we’re removing the actual claw itself from the first knuckle.” They said it is a very risky and can be a very painful and long term recovery for the cat.

Researcher asked if they take the claws out of the toe but don’t take the toe out too. The employee said, “We are not going to cut the toes off.”

Jan. 2023.  They said that while they do declaws on occasion, you need a consult appointment first to discuss with the doctor as far as the reason for it, if it’s behavioral and are causing issues or if it’s a kitten and you just want to do it. They said that they occasionally do the two paw declaws but very rarely do the four paw declaw.

March 2022. The employee wasn’t sure how much they charge for a declaw but said that they do declaws but weren’t sure if all of their doctors do them.


18) Dobson Ranch Animal Hospital. Mesa.

2025. They said that a declaw/neuter is $1478. They said that Dr McReynolds performs their declaws and only does the front two. Researcher asked if a declaw ok for a cat long term and the employee said, “No. You’re basically cutting them off at the joints.”  The employee said it’s a very painful process and they usually remain in pain for the remainder of their life and their paws remain sensitive.  The employee said that it’s not a regular surgery but yes she has done quite a few declaws.

Jan. 2023.  They said a neuter/declaw is $1060. They said that some of their vets will do the declaws and others won’t do them. They said that Dr Scott Barnard and Dr Casie McReynolds do their declaws. They said that you need to meet with the doctor first for a consult to assess the kitten and make sure they will be a good candidate for a declaw. They said that they don’t declaws that often because it’s not requested very often and they haven’t seen any complications.

Feb. 2021. A spay/declaw is $613.  They have three vets who do the declaws. When asked if declawing is ok for the cat long term they said yes, they take special care of the cat and keep them overnight.


  19) Fletcher Heights Animal Hospital. Peoria, AZ.

2025. The employee said that their doctors do not declaw cats. The employee said that they don’t think any of their hospitals perform declaws.

Jan. 2023.   They said a 2 paw declaw/neuter is $702 and a 4 paw declaw/neuter is $833. They said that all of their doctors are comfortable doing declaws and they use a laser. They said that it cauterizes as it cuts so there is less trauma to the tissue so it does seem better. Researcher asked if the cats are ok long term from the declaw and the employee said, “They will be sore after while they are healing but they should bounce back just fine.” They said you can just drop the cats off for the procedures but will have to do about 20 minutes of paperwork. They said the cats will stay over night. They asked if you want to schedule the procedures.

March 2022. Researcher asked for the cost of a neuter and then how much extra for a declaw. Employee asked, “Front or all four?” Neuter/4 paw declaw starts at $808.10 and can go up to $1000.88.  Neuter/2 paw declaw starts at $706.60 and can go up to $944.10.  They said that they have doctors that perform declaws and have performed plenty of them.  The cats stay overnight after the declaw. When asked if they use laser for the declaws they said that after the procedure they have radio-cautery that they can use that cauterizes the skin causing less bleeding and inflammation to the area.

When asked if they do declaws regularly they said yes. When asked if a cat is ok long term after a declaw the employee said there have been some studies that show they can develop arthritis long term and the doctor can discuss that with you.


20)  Sarival Animal Hospital, Goodyear, AZ.

2025. The employee said a declaw/neuter is $981.73 and they only do the front declaw. They said that Dr Hindley does their declaws. Researcher asked if he does them regularly and they said yes.

Researcher asked if the cats are ok after the declaw long term and the employee said, “It depends, sometimes they can have a little bit of bleeding” and keep them overnight to control the bleeding and they are a little painful and send home pain meds for a week. They said sometimes they see some changes like arthritis but it depends on the patient.

Jan. 2023. A neuter/declaw is around $1100. The employee said that Dr Paul Hindley and Dr Wesley Arnold do their declaws and they do them “pretty frequently.” They use a radio surgery unit for the declaws and says it is similar to a laser but different. They said it cuts and cauterizes under high radio frequency.


 21) White Tanks Animal hospital, Surprise, AZ

2025. The employee said that they only declaw cats if it’s a medical reason and don’t perform behavioral declaws. They said a medical reason would be like for someone who has a bleeding disorder or immune problem. They said you have to get an exam for a quote for the declaw. Researcher asked if the cats are ok long term after the declaw and the employee said yes, they seem to be ok.

Jan. 2023. Researcher asked for the cost of a declaw and the employee asked, “Were we looking to do a front declaw?” They said an all 4 paw declaw $1040.79 and a two paw declaw is $860. Researcher asked, what doctors perform their declaws and employee again asked, “Are we looking to do a two paw declaw or a four paw declaw?”

They said that they have some doctors who won’t do a four paw declaw. They have two doctors who might do the four paw declaws. Employee was asked if the cats are ok long term after the declaw and they said yes. They said that they don’t do declaws too frequently but do them sometimes.

March 2022. They said that they only have one doctor that will do the declaws and typically they want to try everything before declawing like scratch posts and sprays. A declaw is around $700 but they try other things before going straight to declawing.


 22) Beardsley Animal Hospital.  Glendale, AZ

2025. They said that none of their doctors perform declaws and refer you to their sister clinics, Dobson Ranch, Roadrunner, Dove Valley, Westbrook, and Arrow hospital for the declaws.

Jan. 2023. The employee said that they don’t have a doctor that performs declaws right now. They said that there is quite a bit of background information that they are looking into so declaws are not recommended. They recommend calling around to other locations for the declaw.

Feb. 2021. Researcher asked for the price of a spay/declaw. Employee asked, “Would you wanna do the declaw on all four or just two?” A spay/ 4 paw declaw is $651.20. They said that Dr Russell Johnson does the declaws. When asked if declawing is ok for a cat long term they said typically they are and overall they do ok, but said that it is not recommended since it’s an amputation and sometimes their attitude could change.

This facebook post is from 2011. They advertised their declaw packages in August. (The facebook post was removed after we published this story.)

Then in September they advertised their Acupuncture services for declawed cats with phantom limb pain.


  23) Scottsdale Hills Animal Hospital. 

2025. They said that a declaw/neuter is around $1800. They said that for a declaw you need an exam first to make sure it’s the best option. They said they like to try other options first because the declaw can have long lasting effects like arthritis and on their bones. They said you can try soft paws to try to solve the problem in other ways.

Researcher asked if a declaw is bad for a cat and the employee said, yes, that it causes a lot of arthritis long term because they would be walking on their finger bones because they don’t have their end bones. They said that it can cause issues. They said that there are a lot of options now and back in the day they didn’t know but now they know that it does cause long lasting effects on the cats so if they can afford not doing it, that’s why they have the exam first.

Jan. 2023. They said that you have to make an appointment to get an estimate and to get a full exam on the cat. They said that Dr Alycia Hagenmaier and Dr Amber Lee do their declaws. They said that they don’t do that many of them.

Feb. 2021. A spay/declaw is around $600-$700. They said they do the traditional declaw with a scalpel and that it’s an amputation. They said they have three vets who do the declaws. When asked if declawing is ok for the cat long term they said every pet is different, some might have issues and others are great with it.


24) Queen Creek, Queen Creek, AZ

2025. The employee said that they can perform the declaw/neuter but can’t give a cost of the declaw on the phone and their vet, Dr Katie Peachy, performs their declaws.


Here are some random animal hospitals in Arizona.

Canyon Pet Hospital. Flagstaff, AZ


The employee said a consult is necessary first for the declaw. They said a declaw is $1229.75. They said that the doctor in the consult will decide if they will do the declaw. They said, Dr. Amanda Amstutz, Dr. Tereza Rumfola, or Dr. Jen Sullivan perform their declaws.

They said that the consult is needed for the declaws because they are very intense for the cat, are not always considered necessary, it completely alters the life of a cat, and they must make sure it’s best for the cat. The researcher asked how it alters the life of a cat. They said the claws on a cat are integral to their anatomy and it completely changes their life when you declaw them. They said if it’s done unnecessarily, they could be causing undo harm on the cat for no reason.

They put a veterinary nurse on the line to explain things further. The nurse said that they want to make sure the cats living conditions are ok without removing the claws. They said if the cat has to defend itself it’s not recommended.

Researcher asked if you have the exam and the doctor says if your cat goes outside then you can’t get the declaw. The nurse said yes. Researcher asked if it’s an indoor cat the can they do the declaw and the nurse said the doctor will probably say yes but their doctor will have to make the decision.

Researcher asked if she has seen them do declaws there and she said, “Oh yea, of course.” She said it’s not something that’s recommended but it’s something that they can do.

The researcher asked if the cat is ok and healthy enough after the exam, will they do the neuter/declaw and the nurse said, “Of course.”

Researcher asked if the cats are ok long term after the declaw, the employee said that it’s not recommended but that it’s owners decision and their recovery is very painful and hard for the cat and said that’s why they need the consult to let you know how their life is going to change, but said it’s a change of lifestyle, not for the worse or for good. She said if it’s a healthy cat, with no issues, and indoor only they didn’t see any issue with them doing the declaw but said it’s up to the doctor.


Village Animal Clinic, Phoenix, AZ

2025. Researcher asked for the cost of a declaw/neuter and the employee asked, “Would we be doing it all in one procedure?” Researcher asked what they recommend. The employee said they recommend putting only putting them under once and the less anesthesia the better.

They said that a neuter/declaw is $625 and said that’s for the 2 paw and then said, “If you are going to do all four” it is around $150 -$200 more.

They said that Dr Ann Goldhammer does their declaws. Researcher asked if she does declaws regularly and she said, “Yes, we do a couple a month right now.” Researcher asked if the cats are ok long term. The employee said, “Yes, we wouldn’t be doing it if it wasn’t going to be ok.”


Paws The Modern Spay and Neuter.

 2025. The employee said that they won’t do a declaw if the cat is over 10lbs.

They said it’s $500 for a declaw if they are under 10lbs and with the neuter it’s $560.

They said that Dr Diskin does their declaws.

Researcher asked if the cats are ok long term after a declaw and the employee said, “Most of them recover in 7-10 days” and said sometime if there’s an infection that can prolong their recovery.

Researcher asked if they perform declaws regularly and the employee said, “Yes that’s one of our offered procedures.”

Declawing info on their website. “PAWS performs declaws in a hope to keep the pet in the home, and out of the shelters. We recommend owners try the behavior modifications tips above before considering declawing.”



Family Vet Care. 3 locations in Arizona.

Laser Declawing advertisement on their website says, “Laser Declawing
Mesa, Chandler, and Phoenix locations. Scratching on surfaces is an instinctive and normal part of cat behavior. Unfortunately, there may be circumstances that make declawing a necessary option—especially if there are medical concerns for humans in the household should they get scratched, or when pet owners are considering rehoming or even euthanizing the cat due to its destructive behavior. We offer safe laser declaw surgery utilizing anesthesia and complete pain management protocols. A surgical laser is the most compassionate method of declawing as it minimizes pain, eliminates bleeding, and allows for faster healing.”   (There is no data that shows that laser declawing minimizes pain or allows for faster healing.)


2025. Chandler location. The employee said you need to get an exam first and Dr Jones performs their declaws and she uses a laser and that it is better and the less invasive way. They said that sometimes if the cat isn’t well enough they won’t perform them and it’s doctor’s preference. The researcher asked she knows the declaw well and they said, “Yes, she does a few declaws a week to maybe 3 or 4 a month, so she does them pretty regularly” and she’s their only doctor that does their declaws.

2022.  Chandler location.  They said that Dr Samantha Jones does at least one or two laser declaws a week. A neuter/declaw is $1300. Researcher asked if the cats are ok long term and the employee said yes. They said you have to do a wellness exam to make sure the blood work is ok for the anesthesia and then will schedule for the procedure.

 2025. Mesa location.   The employee said that a neuter/declaw is roughly around $1800. They said they only have one vet who does their declaws, Dr Wedisky. Researcher asked if the cats are ok long term after a declaw and the employee said yes, it’s a two week recovery. Researcher asked if Dr Wedisky does declaws pretty regularly and the employee said, “Oh yea.” They said that their declawed cats are “perfectly fine” and said, “All of our cats we have seen get declawed they’re great.”  Researcher asked if they see a lot of declaws and the employee said, “Oh yes.”   They said you can get an exam the same day as the procedures.

2022. Mesa/Gilbert location.  The employee asked, “Are you thinking like just the front paws or all 4 paws?” They said there was a two paw declaw done yesterday and their estimate was about $1200.   Dr Travis Woodiske, their hospital director, is the only vet who does their declaws.  Researcher asked how many declaws does he do and the employee said that he had two declaws yesterday, next week he has one, and the following week he has one.  Researcher asked if the cats are ok long term, the employee said yes.


2025. Phoenix location. The employee said that a declaw/neuter is around $1200. They said that they have one doctor who does their declaws, Dr Carla Mott, she only does the front two paws, she uses a laser,. Researcher asked if the cats are ok long term after a declaw and the employee said, there’s a 2 week recovery period and said it’s personal preference on if you want to do the declaw.

Researcher asked if Dr Mott does declaws regularly and the employee said “They’re not as common anymore but she does quite a few, yea.”

Researcher asked if the cats are ok after the declaw and the employee said, “They are medically fine, yes.”


Tempe Veterinary Hospital.

Researcher asked for the cost of a declaw/neuter and the employee asked, “Do we want to do two paws or four paws?”

A two paw declaw is $455 and a 4 paw declaw is $725. A neuter is $175.

They said Dr Wells performs their declaws and “cuts them off” with a scalpel and said, “I’ve seen him do multiple declaws.”

Researcher asked if the cats are ok after the declaw long term and the employee said, “Yea, as good as can be” and said they are fine after the declaw.

They said the exam can be on the same day as the procedures.





August 2021. Sheridan, WY anti-declawing ordinance. This AAHA declawing veterinarian and owner of Mountain View Veterinary Hospital, quoted the ASPCA’s declawing position in his testimony to legislators. 

One of the City Council members admitted in an email to us that he voted no because of Dr Pelissier’s testimony.

Declawing vet using the ASPCA’s declawing statement to stop an anti-declawing ordinance

The ordinance did not pass.

2025 Mountain View Veterinary Hospital. Sheridan, WY.

The researcher asked for the cost of a neuter/declaw and the employee said, “We do front declaw only.”  They said that a neuter/declaw is around $850 -$900 and said that typically Dr Angelica does their declaws and they don’t use a laser.

Researcher asked if she does the declaws regularly and the employee said yes. Researcher asked if the cats seem ok long term after a declaw and the employee said, “yes they do.”

The employee said you need to get an exam and the vet deems the cat is healthy enough and she discusses the surgery, what she does, and the recovery process, then they can proceed with the procedures. They said that they send the cat home with pain meds.

The employee said that they won’t perform 4 paw declaws because they want to leave them a defense in case they accidentally get out of the house.

In August 2021, Dr Peter Pelissier testified to the Sheridan, WY City Council and Mayor about why he opposes the declaw ban amendment to the animal cruelty/abuse ordinance. Here’s his full testimony.  He was not truthful with some of his information. This declaw ban amendment was stopped by a 5-2 vote. One of the City Council members admitted in an email to us that he voted no because of Dr Pelissier’s testimony

2021. Dr Pelissier owns MountainView Veterinary Hospital in Sheridan, WY.   In Sept. 2021, our researchers looked into a cost for a declaw at this AAHA hospital.  The employee at MountainView said they require an appointment to discuss the declaw procedure and it’s up to the doctor if a declaw will be performed. When asked if they do declaws regularly the employee said that is something between the doctor and the patient, depending on how the doctor feels after the exam.


 April  2023. The Illinois Veterinary Medical Association’s dishonest leader, Dr Joanne Carlson, used the ASPCA’s declawing position in her advocacy to defeat the Illinois anti-declawing bill. 

Here’s an excerpt from this Letter to the Editor by Dr Carlson. “Cat declawing is not common in Illinois, and ISVMA stands firmly with the American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals, one of the world’s largest humane societies, in asserting that declaw procedures be a last resort.”

Here are Dr Joanne Carlson’s Letters to the Editor in newspapers in Illinois with the ASPCA’s declawing position statement being used to try to stop the anti-declawing bill.

Here’s more about this story about how the ISVMA and Dr Joanne Carlson are putting out blatant lies and misinformation about declawing. They also saw our survey that showed that declawing is common in the majority of vet clinics in Illinois but they are ignoring it and putting out the lie that declawing is not common.

Here are more lies from Dr Joanne Carlson in one of the many news stories she is in. ““To be clear, Illinois veterinarians perform feline onychectomies infrequently and any suggestions that this is a common practice are untrue,” Carlson said. “When it is done, as a last resort, it is to protect the health and well-being of the cat.”  This is a lie. Declawing is a very common procedure in Illinois.

There is no evidence that cats who have this procedure experience any long-term difficulties, Carlson said. (This is a lie.)

“Modern declawing is no more painful or complicated than one might expect from a spay or neuter procedure,” she said.”  THis is a lie.

Dr Carlson has no data that shows that banning declawing will jeopardize the lives of cats. The truth is that in the states and cities where declawing has been banned there has not been an increase in cats in shelters.

The awful truth is that many declawed cats end up being thrown out or relinquished to shelters because of behavioral issues they develop from the pain and discomfort in their mutilated paws.

““While we appreciate good intentions, this bill will jeopardize the lives of some cats and compromise veterinarians’ ability to uphold their medical oath to protect and save animals’ lives,” said Dr. Joanne Carlson, the association’s president.”  

That is a fear-mongering statement. Many declawed cats are euthanized because they can’t find new homes. Declawing does not save a cat’s life or keep it in a home and in fact often causes it to lose its home.


Please call the ASPCA 1 888 666 2279. Extension 3.  Ask them to stop being on the side of declawing vets and completely condemn declawing and help ban it!

Please email the ASPCA, show them this story, ask them to completely condemn declawing, and to help us ban it.  Email- [email protected] and [email protected] 

Subaru is the largest corporate donor to the ASPCA and donate millions to them.

Please reach out to Subaru and ask them to stop donating to the ASPCA until they completely condemn declawing and help us ban it.  Email- [email protected]

Here’s our story. The ASPCA doesn’t support banning declawing.



The ASPCA’s declawing position is also being used by pro-declaw folks to justify keeping it legal.

Pro-declaw cat owners are using the ASPCA’s declawing position statement to justify having it done to their cats.


Fyi, this prodeclaw person clearly didn’t know that this wasn’t the ASPCA’s reason to condone declawing. They condone declawing if as they say, the cat is at grave risk for euthanasia.



Here is a April 21, 2023 post on the’s facebook page.  Here is our story about the CEO of AzPetVet (now Lovet Pet Healthcare), Dr Wayne Anderson, and how he testified with lies to the AZ legislators in 2022.
“A letter about Arizona from The Paw Project mailbox:
(This is) regarding my (previous) job (in an Arizona veterinary clinic) and the (proposed) cat declaw ban in Arizona….
I am happy to talk about how the CEO of the company I worked for and how the AZVMA have been trying to get this bill to fail.
I worked for AZPetVet, which has 21 locations around the Phoenix area and functions like a corporate hospital system. The company founder is Dr. X (I think he was previously CEO and stepped down, I’m not sure), and he is also on the AZVMA Advisory Council… Dr. X personally had sent out at least 4-5 mass emails to every employee of AZPetVet around February/March 2022. In those emails he included all of the contact information for local representatives and asked us all to call/email them as much as possible to express disagreement for (the anti-declaw bill) which was attempting to ban cat declaws in the state…
I was following this bill very closely, so I watched all of the recorded committee meetings, and Dr. X actually went to both of them to express his disagreements with the bill and trying to sway them to vote no. While watching these, I also realized Ms. S was there to represent the AZVMA (she is the AZVMA legislative representative). Her testimony was also trying to get them to vote no on the bill….
What really bothered me the about Dr. X’s testimony is that he states doctors at AZPetVet hospitals would do “1-2 declaws a year” which is a complete lie. I worked at that company for 2.5 years and they did dozens upon dozens of declaws at the location I was at. At that time there were 21 hospitals within the AZPetVet group, so I imagine hundreds (if not thousands) of them were performed each year. He also said that owners were always counseled on alternatives before allowing the owner to go forward with a declaw. Not true. And that clipping claws or using nail caps are useless. He lied. He lied over and over again, because those procedures bring him money.
I have a lot of opinions about Dr. X and the AZPetVet company as a whole so I will not ramble on, but hopefully some of this information is useful to you. I am disgusted with the current state of animal welfare and veterinary medicine within Arizona and I want to do anything I can to help raise the standards.
– A US veterinary student”
NOTE: The opinions in this letter an those of the author, currently a veterinary student. The Paw Project is only sharing the letter with you. The letter is edited for length and clarity and to remove the actual names of all parties mentioned in it.”


Declawing contributes to moral stress in the veterinary profession.
Declawing is animal cruelty. Know the facts.
Always take the high road, be polite, and educate.