This is one of the hundreds of examples that shows what’s terribly wrong with the American veterinary profession when it comes to declawing.
In June of 2017 a coupon showed up in resident’s mailboxes in the Crystal Lake area of Illinois. This coupon was from Randall Road Animal Hospital and had an offer for a 2 paw and 4 paw declaw.
Last year, in 2016, this hospital was accredited as an American Animal Hospital Association (AAHA) practice which means it has the highest standards of care in veterinary medicine. AAHA has a position statement on declawing that says this, “The American Animal Hospital Association strongly opposes the declawing of domestic cats and supports veterinarians’ efforts to educate cat owners and provide them with effective alternatives.” and has 900 standards of care that these hospitals must follow, but not one for declawing. They go over these vet hospitals with a fine tooth comb before they accredit them. Here is more about AAHA and their double standards [button href=”” newwindow=”yes”] AAHA double standards[/button]
Yes folks. It is all about money over the welfare of cats in America when it comes to declawing.
Organizations like AAHA care more about getting hospitals to sign up so they can make the money in accreditation and yearly fees to be an AAHA hospital. Maybe you can personally inspire AAHA with a respectful email telling them you are unhappy about all the AAHA hospitals that declaw cats and promote it, lie to cat owners about declawing, talk cat owners OUT of the humane alternatives, and harm so many cats from doing this inhumane procedure to them. Here is their email. Let me know if you get a response-
[email protected]
AAHA doesn’t want to alienate their declawing vets by telling them they can’t declaw cats at their AAHA hospitals. What a hypocritical double standard don’t you think, especially since AAHA doesn’t allow non-anesthesia dentals at their hospitals. Why won’t they do the same for declaws? Please take 30 seconds and sign my petition to AAHA to ask them to stop allowing declawing at their hospitals. Declawing is BELOW the standard of care in veterinary medicine. [button href=”” color=”red” newwindow=”yes”] AAHA Petition[/button]
This AAHA hospital put out a coupon for their declaws that was mailed to homes in their area in June of 2017. This coupon was posted on facebook by concerned cat owners and I shared it along with other anti-declaw organizations and people. 
Also as of June 19, 2017 this declaw coupon was on Randall Road Animal Hospital’s website-

Many people wrote respectful comments on Randall Animal Hospital’s facebook page to try to educate these veterinary professionals about how declawing is inhumane and harmful to cats and expressed their displeasure about this coupon that advertises this cat cruelty.
Randall Animal Hospital issued a statement on their facebook page about this coupon.
Here it is- ”
It has come to our attention that our coupon mailer has included a coupon for “declawing” for your pets. We have discussed months prior to this coupon being released and came to the conclusion that it should be removed as we do not condone or recommended declawing of your pets. We also do not perform these procedures without the pet owners having a consultation with our doctor staff so that they completely understand the implications and the surgery in detail before making any decisions to declaw your pet. The mailer company has been contacted and the coupon is being removed from the mailer, unfortunately these coupons are printed far in advance and we cannot control the delay in the removal of said coupon. Rest assured it has been removed.
In summary Randall Road Animal Hospital does not promote declawing your pets. We are an animal hospital that caters to the needs of our customers and make sure that all our clients understand any procedures that you are asking be performed on your pet. We love your pets just as much as you do and want to make sure 100% that the right decisions are made before rushing into any surgeries ALWAYS! We have discussed with our doctor staff over the past few months in regards to coupons and what we do and do not offer coupons for and the decision has been made to remove the coupon for declawing from our mailer. The coupon company has been contacted and the coupon has been removed and will not be offered any longer. Most importantly we care for your pets and love them very much. This is what we strive for and always promote in our hospital the best health and well-being for your pets.
Thank you for your understanding in this matter and if you have any future questions please contact us via this facebook user account.
Randall Road Animal Hospital Management.
Randall Road Animal Hospital says they don’t condone, promote, or recommend declawing. All the information below is from their website. What do you think?

So please be respectful and educate the public about declawing. Don’t threaten or be mean to any of these unethical declawing vets because it’s wrong and just hurts our cause, plus they will play the victim and the only victims are all the cats that they are harming by burning, chopping, and slicing off their toe bones and claws.
You can still respectfully call them out on their lies, make them think, and try to touch their hearts to wake up them up to the cat cruelty and destruction they are causing. As long as greed hasn’t totally caused them to lose touch with the whole reason they joined this noble profession which is to heal and ease the suffering in animals, not cause it.
Then someday they may join the growing, long list of humane and ethical doctors who are true advocates for all animals and think of the animal’s needs first over the welfare of a piece of furniture. #PawsNeedClaws
We have progress. They took the declaw coupon out of their mailer in July 2017 and took off all the declaw information from their website.

Tagged aafp, aaha, America's Favorite Veterinarian, American Animal Hospital Association, American Veterinary Medical Association, animal cruelty, cats, cats scandalous, city the kitty, Crystal Lake Illinois, declaw, declawed, declawing, Illinois, Randall Road Animal Hospital, veterinarians, veterinary profession, vetlife, vettech