Why Would CityVet.com Say They Are Devoted Healers Yet They Allow Declawing In Their Vet Clinics!

Story published on February 5, 2025 CityVet is a veterinary group company with over 55 vet clinics in America. They say on their website that their core values are, “We promise to serve pet families in the kindest ways possible. Our collective compassion, support, and exceptional care shape our values and give us purpose everyday.” […]
AAHA’s Declaw Communications Toolkit To Help Their Declawing Hospitals

Remember, declawing is a $900,000 – $1,200,000,000/year business. That’s a lot of clams.
So here’s the hypocrisy in a nutshell.
AAHA has strict guidelines for compliance.
AAHA has a strong anti-declaw position.
Get ready for the big BUT…
But, they openly tell their 3500 members who pay $1070 for membership, that they don’t have to follow the AAHA declaw position. (They aren’t however, ever lax on the dentals.)
The Organizations That Allow Declawing

Here are many examples of those in the veterinary profession and some outside of it, who could truly help to end the inhumane procedure of declawing, but aren’t.
Blocked For Trying to Protect Cats From Being Declawed

June 28, 2017 Over the last few years that we’ve been working on this cause to end declawing, we’ve been blocked by people and organizations for simply trying to help save kitties from having their toes and claws amputated. Here are the ones that blocked us on Twitter. Here are the reasons we […]
2023 Update of Our 2016 Survey That Found 72% of Vet Clinics in New Jersey Routinely Declaw Cats.

Will AAHA’s Chief Medical Officer, Dr Jessica Vogelsang, Be Able To Inspire AAHA to Ban Declawing in their hospitals?

In 2021 AAHA.org hired a new Chief Medical Officer, Dr Jessica Vogelsang.
AAHA says that they are strongly opposed to declawing, that veterinarians should tell their clients that it is a procedure that is no longer supported or reasonable yet they allow it in their AAHA Accredited Animal Hospitals. Many of them perform this inhumane amputation on a regular basis, they advertise declawing, put out declawing coupons, and lie about it and say that the cats are ok long term after they are declawed.
We are optimistic that Dr Vogelsang will be the progressive, ethical, and humane veterinary leader at AAHA who sees the value in doing the right thing, being on the right side of this issue and history, and will inspire AAHA to put the welfare of all animals first and ban declawing in their AAHA accredited animal hospitals.
Note To #NOMV Supporters Who Are Attacking, Harassing, and Bullying City the Kitty

NOMV supporters are trying to destroy our important mission to protect innocent cats from this cruel, inhumane, and barbaric amputation procedure by harassing us and bullying us and by accusing us of being a bully.
We are all about educating and shining light on the injustice of declawing. That’s it. We always take the high road and ask our supporters to do the same.
So the facts are that NOMV supporters who are attacking us are the cyber bullies, not us.
Is the Angst of Declawing Contributing to Veterinarian Suicide? The Info In Our Story Says It Is.

We have data, peer reviewed studies, and notes from veterinarians to show you that declawing is contributing to mental and moral stress in the veterinary profession. If declawing is banned, it will improve the mental health and well-being in many veterinarians and veterinary professionals.
The Arizona Veterinary Medical Association does not want declawing banned. Why? The Answer Might Be In This Story

Dr Wayne Anderson, owner of AzPet Vet group, testified in opposition to the anti-declawing bill in Arizona. He said that declaws in his practices are rarely performed, maybe one or two a year. Our research shows that declawing is a routine procedure in many of his practices according to the employees that work there.
How The CVMA and the California VMB Stopped The 2019 Cat Protection Bill

Multiple animal medical and welfare organizations have issued statements against declawing, including the American Association of Feline Practitioners, the American Animal Hospital Association, the Canadian Veterinary Medical Association, and the World Small Animal Veterinary Association. Fourteen jurisdictions have seen fit to ban the procedure. Even a major veterinary hospital chain, VCA, stopped declawing a year ago throughout Canada.
Now it is time for California to pass this important legislation and join the worldwide humane movement against declawing.