There are many humane and ethical veterinarians in North America who do not declaw cats. They know that there are always humane alternatives to scratching issues and that declawing never needs to be an option.
They know that the vast majority of declawed cats in shelters are surrendered because of negative problems relating to declaws.
They know that declawing has no benefit to a cat and that the pain from declawing can last weeks, months, and a lifetime for these cats.
They are on the right side of cat history and are doing the right thing by helping to end declawing in North America.
But sadly around 80% of veterinarians in America declaw cats. The majority of these vets declaw cats and kittens as a first option and like to declaw them as kittens.
Veterinary leaders and vets who are motivated by compassion, support bills that would end animal cruelty and torture which include declawing.
Veterinary leaders and vets who are motivated by compassion, put educational information on their veterinary associations and their personal practice’s websites that would help cat owners know that declawing is bad for their cat’s health and well being.
Veterinary leaders and vets who are motivated by compassion, put educational information on their veterinary associations and personal practice’s websites, that would help cat owners with helpful humane tips for their cats with scratching issues.
Veterinary leaders and vets who are motivated by compassion help declawed kitties, that are sitting in shelters and rescues, find new homes. These declawed kitties were thrown away by their owners after they had biting and litter box avoidance issues from the declaws.
Veterinary leaders and vets who are motivated by compassion, use their voice and power to help end a very inhumane and cruel, mutilating procedure that is banned or considered unethical in most of the rest of the world.
Veterinary leaders who are motivated by compassion use their organization’s power and money to pay for innovative and inspiring campaigns that would instill a healthy mindset in cat owners to believe that humane alternatives for declawing always work and that declawing should never be an option.
Veterinary leaders and vets who are motivated by compassion, use some of their time to repair the paws of declawed cats that are suffering who were maimed by their colleagues by being declawed. [button href=”https://www.facebook.com/New-Lease-on-Life-Vets-Helping-Declawed-Cats-802225809921083/?fref=ts” color=”green” newwindow=”yes”] New Lease On Life FB page. Vets helping declawed cats[/button]
Veterinary leaders and vets who are motivated by compassion, use their organization and time to start school programs to educate children on why cats need their claws for their health and well being.
Veterinary leaders and vets who are motivated by compassion, stop performing declawing and teach their employees how to address clients on the phone and at their practices about the negative consequences of declawing their cats and offer the many humane alternatives that are available.
Veterinary leaders who are motivated by greed, use their organization’s thousands of dollars from fundraising and membership dues for lobbyists to try to stop bills that would end the mutilating procedure of declawing or the cruel procedure of devocalizing dogs, and the force feeding of ducks for foie gras. [button href=”https://citythekitty.org/nysvms-opposes-legislation-that-would-protect-animals-from-cruelty/” color=”red” newwindow=”yes”] NYSVMS Efforts To Stop Bills That Protect Animals[/button]
Veterinary leaders and vets who are motivated by greed, have their practice’s employees offer up 2 paw and 4 paw declaws, traditional or laser like it is just a simple “medical procedure” at their practices when cat owners ask for prices and they never mention that it is a serious amputation surgery or or ask the client if they’ve tried the humane alternatives. [button href=”https://citythekitty.org/does-the-nysvms-president-walk-the-talk/” color=”red” newwindow=”yes”] NYSVMS President and Declawing[/button]
Veterinary leaders and vets who are motivated by greed, declaw kittens as young as 3-4 months old and also like to promote declaws to clients with spay/neuter procedures as a package deal. Even when the owners haven’t said the kitten has scratching issues.
Veterinary leaders and vets who are motivated by greed, don’t have any educational information about declawing on their websites.
Veterinary leaders and vets who are motivated by greed, call declawing a “medical procedure” and say that the government and social media cannot take this procedure away from them. Declawing is an elective, non-therapeutic mutilating procedure that has no medical benefits to the cat! [button href=”https://citythekitty.org/unethical-vets/” color=”red” newwindow=”yes”] Vet Associations & NY Bill[/button]
Veterinary leaders and vets who are motivated by greed, minimize declawing by calling it a “medical procedure” and say banning declawing would be a “detriment to animals and cat owners” and that banning declawing would “adversely affect animals.” [button href=”https://citythekitty.org/unethical-vets/” color=”red” newwindow=”yes”] The NY Bill to ban Declawing is a Detriment to Animals[/button]
Veterinary leaders and vets who are motivated by greed, turn a blind eye to declawed cats who are thrown away to shelters/rescues, on a daily basis because of biting or litter box avoidance issues from their declaws.
Declawed Kitties in shelters and rescues near the 2015 and 2016 Presidents of the NYSVMS’s practices in New York.
Today is the last day to call and let the legislators know that you support the bill in New York to end declawing. Please ask them to support it too. The bill is S5084 and the phone calls take 10 seconds each and your call WILL make a difference! Anyone can call from anywhere in America or the world! It’s now or never!
Assemblyman William Magee, chairman of the Assembly Agriculture Comm. at 518 455 4807 or email [email protected]
Senate Majority Leader, John Flanagan, at 518 455 2071 , email, [email protected]
Senator John Bonacic (Orange, Sullivan, Ulster, Delaware Counties)
Senator John DeFrancisco (Onondaga County – Syracuse)
(518) 455-3511
Senator Marty Golden (Brooklyn)
518) 455-2730
Senator Kemp Hannon (Long Island)
Senator Joe Robach (Monroe County – Rochester)
(518) 455-2909