We Lost A Big Battle Today But We Must Never Give Up

The NYSVMS, Long Island Veterinary Medical Association, and other NY veterinary associations successfully stopped our bill. Some of the Senators had some “concerns” about our cat protection bill and obviously believed the NYSVMS’s disgusting propaganda about declawing.
Imagine A World Where Declawing Doesn’t Exist

Who knew when I was born that I would spend my life trying to undo an egregious wrong?
Who knew that when I met my mom, that we would embark on a fight that would consume our lives protecting others’ lives?
Who knew that “doctors” who took an oath to do no wrong, could be paid so little to break that oath and sell their good consciences?
Singing Kumbayah and Holding Hands

Listen folks. I know that most of you are on board with me with this cause and appreciate what I do and how I run things. But I also know that there are some you who think I could do things better or differently. And guess what. I’m all ears and open to any […]
NYSVMS Declares War On Innocent Cats

The unenlightened vets of the New York State Veterinary Medical Society (NYSVMS) have declared war on innocent cats. I found a memo that has officially started the battle over the bill in NY to ban declawing.
Those who supported the NY bill to ban declawing and those who were silent

There’s a bill in NY to ban declawing that will be back on the table next month. We need all the support we can get to convince the legislators how important this bill is for the welfare of cats!
NYSVMS 2015 – “We Scored a Direct Hit”, “We Scored A Major Win For The Profession.”

They’ve even spent a ton of money hiring lobbyists to propagate untruths. They must be spending over $10,000/ month to protect their right to mutilate cat paws! Imagine if they spent that money on helping cats through spay/neuter programs or adoptions!