CATurday Veterinary Heroes- Fed up
“I’m so against declawing that I’ve lost all desire to work in vet medicine.
I worked at ….. Animal Hospital for about a year and half. After the Paw Project came out, Dr ….. and I were thrilled to finally have a tool to help curb the desire to declaw. It worked great! We nearly stopped all declaws.
The Apathy of Declawing
We must keep educating cat owners about the FACTS about declawing. Throughout the last couple years of taking on this important cause to end declawing I’ve learned this dirty little secret about declawing in the veterinary profession.
Sunday’s Supporters and SpokesCats- From a cat owner in Europe
I live in a country, where toe amputation aka “declawing” was never thinkable or a part of our culture. When I was confronted the first time with this procedure, I really got shocked. What? They do this, although they are donating thousands of dollars to save a burned kitten? How is that possible?
AAHA Double Standard & Lack of Accountability for Declawing
Teeger was declawed at an AAHA Hospital. Teeger and his two siblings have had most of their paws amputated due to horrific complications from their declaw procedures.
Declaw Cone of Shame
Today is Flashback Friday and I’m in quite a reflective mood. That’s me in the middle with the cone of shame on. It’s from my overnight stay at the Emergency Veterinary Hospital when I came down with that scary vestibular disease.
I’m doing the best I can
My friends. I want to let you all know how much I appreciate you. You all are family to me.
Dental Cleanings and Declawing Double Standards
There is a post from a veterinarian on the AVMA’s facebook page that is causing a big uproar and it’s all about standards, ethics, and poor medical care.
The topic is non-anesthesia dental cleaning.
NYSVMS 2015 – “We Scored a Direct Hit”, “We Scored A Major Win For The Profession.”
They’ve even spent a ton of money hiring lobbyists to propagate untruths. They must be spending over $10,000/ month to protect their right to mutilate cat paws! Imagine if they spent that money on helping cats through spay/neuter programs or adoptions!
Thank You Dr. King
He was a great man. A humanitarian, a civil rights activist, and an inspiring leader with integrity and honor.
Sunday’s Supporters and Spokescats
I received this note from Leah and her spokescat Sartain. She is my hero.