Let’s thank the NYSVMS for reminding us that we must use our VOICES and EDUCATE the public and CAT OWNERS that DECLAWING is ANIMAL AB– USE and that we must protect all cats from LICENSED VETs who are doing this mutilating and inhumane procedure!
It’s a COUCH. It is replaceable. His claws are not.

I cannot find a “good” reason to declaw a cat.
If you cannot change your lifestyle in order to have a cat, you do not understand what cats require and you do not deserve to have one in your family.
American Veterinary Money Association (AVMA): Deception For Profits.

The AVMA position statement on declawing is purposely deceiving.
The AVMA says that there are no studies that show that declawed cats have more behavior problems when compared to a control group.
The AVMA’s intention is to make it sound like there is no evidence that declawed cats have more behavior problems but, the reality is that there really are NO STUDIES, (meaning none have been published), that compare declawed cats to those in a control group.
Isn’t that the most super slimy way to deceive people?!?
Why would they do that?
Houston Humane Society Declaws Cats. Guess Why.

“We do 4 or 5 a week, your cat should be fine in 15 days, and they are back to normal quickly.”
“we have older people whose skin gets real thin and their doctors tell them to get rid of their cats because one little scratch from their claws will just make a big gash so we declaw their kitties so they can keep them. 18 yrs old is the oldest cat that she’s declawed and we’ve never had any problems.”
“She (Dr Rigoni) wouldn’t do it (delcaws) if it caused long term health issues. Everyone has their own beliefs they consider that to be, she declaws almost all her cats. Do you want the front paws done or all four done?”
“She also does canine by the way, which very few people do. She taught herself, it’s a totally different method. They (dogs) can ruin walls by scratching and thing, drives her nuts. She taught herself how to do it. It’s a different technique. They don’t teach that in vet school. It’s not something we normally show.”
When you know better… you do better

Our chat was back in the spring some time. You were kind enough to educate me and forever change my views on declawing as i truly has no idea what the procedure really was. So…. I’m happy to introduce you to my 8 year old rescue I got this week named Bubbles ? … she was rescued by our local spca from a horrific hoarding situation and i fell in love with her the moment i met her ❤❤ she is the most loving and cuddly cat i’ve ever met!
Declawing her will NEVER be an option thanks to you and I found a great solution i think you will be proud of…. thanks again for helping me understand what declawing is and leave it in the past.
Declaw Communications Toolkit by AAHA
‘ve come up with a bright idea and need your help and ideas to make it successful!
American Animal Hospital Association has their big day coming up on July 22 and let’s help them with their celebration.
A “Licensed Professional Veterinarian” Declawed Mishka on ALL 4 Paws AND Removed All His Teeth

Mishka was 2 yrs old, his owner had him , “declawed on all four paws and had all of Mishka’s teeth were removed because he was chewing on baseboards and things.”
Yep, a trained, licensed veterinarian, who had years of education in the veterinary medical field, made the decision to perform these “medical procedures” on this poor kitty.
NYSVMS,”We Scored A Direct Hit”, “Marshal Our Forces”, “Implement Our Tactics”

Yesterday, the NYSVMS stopped our cat protection bill in NY, that would have ended the elective, non-therapeutic mutilating procedure that these unethical veterinary professionals like to call a “medical procedure.” It’s NOT a medical procedure but they convinced enough NY Senators that pro-declaw vets should be able to keep amputating kitties toe bones and claws and stopped the NY Cat Protection bill.
These “leaders” who run these powerful and rich veterinary associations, pretend like they really really care about cats and say if declawing was banned then many cats would be thrown away to shelters and euthanized.
Do They Really Care About Keeping a Cat Out of a Shelter?

They are telling the NY legislators that they really, really care about cats and don’t want them to end up in shelters.
I thought the only way to really verify that they truly care about cats staying out of shelters is to see if they would personally help when you say that you are going to take your cat to a shelter for another behavioral issue that doesn’t involve declawing or making good money on toe amputations
We Don’t Need Your Educational Info, We Get Ours From The AVMA

I’m doing this post to make a few points. The big pro-declaw Veterinary Associations like the NYSVMS, AVMA, and all the other state vet associations say that the decision about declawing should be in the hands of the veterinary profession and not the government or social media.
Well my friends. The hard, cold facts are that most of the pro-declaw veterinarians can’t be trusted that they are counseling clients about the humane alternatives, doing it as a very last resort, giving their clients accurate declawing information, and following the guidelines that these veterinary authorities have put out.