Westfield, Indiana has 6 veterinary clinics and 3 of them do not declaw cats. One of the declawing clinics is a Cat Friendly Practice.

Story published on August 23, 2024 Why is this Southern Veterinary Partners vet clinic that’s a Cat Friendly Practice in Indiana still declawing cats when AAFP banned declawing in their Cat Friendly Practices on Jan. 1, 2021? On August 8, 2019, All Star did a Facebook post that said, “Happy International Cat Day! What better […]
Is Purdue’s Laser Declawing Veterinarian Getting Paid By A Laser Company?

Story published on Feb 28, 2021. Is Dr Lori (Lorraine) Corriveau, the laser declawing veterinarian at Purdue’s Small Animal Primary Care, getting paid by a laser company? Please send a polite email to Purdue’s Dean of the Vet School or their Media relations folks and ask them this question and ask them why Purdue is […]
Declawing Advice From An AAHA and AVMA Veterinarian

Interviewer; Our next question is from Larry, he writes, “My wife wants to get our cat declawed but I heard it’s inhumane”, is it safe to do this or should we leave it as it is?
Dr Nelson; Big discussion I’ll give you a kind of just a thumbprint of both sides some people consider it amputation & you’ll hear all kinds of extreme descriptions of it that are completely wrong & then there are other people that say ahh it’s just like trimming their nails, that’s wrong too.
Not every cat should be declawed but a lot of them have to be because they’re indoor cats & the older people don’t want to be scratched & the don’t want their house ruined & things like this. I’m Just gonna say discuss it with your veterinarian, he or she is the expert in it. There is some discomfort but it’s fairly brief, but not every cat, unless they’re having a problem should be declawed either.
Interviewer; Especially if your cat goes outside at all, it takes away some defenses.
Dr Nelson; Even declawed cats can climb trees & things like this but does take away on their defense, just don’t let them outside.
Purdue’s AAHA Accredited Animal Hospital Profits from Declawing Cats

Purdue Veterinary Wellness Clinic says they do “pain free declaws” with their CO2 laser. How can burning off a cat’s toe bones and claws with a super heated laser be pain free? How is declawing “feline friendly” handling?
Property Management Companies Who Took The Declaw Requirement Out Of Their Pet Policies

I did receive your email and discussed it internally with the regional managers yesterday evening before we left for the day. We have come to the agreement that we are going to remove the declawing policy in our current Resident Policies. However, due to hardwood floors and trim, we will be increasing our Pet Deposit. I appreciate you reaching out to us and we are more than happy to accommodate our furry friends the way they are! We plan on having another internal meeting within the next week (most likely after Labor Day weekend) and will re-write the policies to become truly pet friendly across all 6,000 units across Indiana & Ohio.
The Little Kitten That Was Saved From Being Declawed

Please meet Mouse the kitten.
She is the little kitten from the Midwest that I did a post about yesterday. Her mom was going to take her to get her declawed in two weeks.
I called her “Cutie” because I didn’t know her real name. The intervention post worked and her mom said that she is going to try using Soft Paws instead of getting her declawed. I personally shipped out a couple of boxes of Soft Paws to her today and will update this post when she sends me a photo with them on.